Thinking about starting a new perennial garden? What are the best plants to use? Can I include some plants to encourage pollinators in my new garden? Come and learn more from State Master Gardener Program Director Pam Bennett as we learn more about some of the newer cultivars in the perennial world. Plants that maybe have a less invasive habit and are a bit easier to care for and with a trim in mid-summer will extend the season of color in your garden. Pam will also share some examples of some great perennial pollinators, too!
Pollinators help plants that bring us food and other resources. By carrying pollen from one plant to another, pollinators fertilize plants and allow them to make fruit or seeds. Pollinator health is critical to our food system and the diversity of life across the world. Bees are one of the most well-known pollinators, but there are a variety of other pollinators including ants, flies, beetles, birds and more! Each of us can contribute to pollinator friendly environments by planting flowers with pollen and nectar and creating habitat and nesting sites for pollinators.
If you are thinking about trying a few new perennials or adding some plant for pollinators in your garden make plans now to attend the Fairfield County Master Gardeners Dig Into Gardening Event. This educational program is back in person after a 2-year hold and is the only fund raising event for the Fairfield County Master Gardener Volunteer Program. To register, contact OSU Extension in Fairfield County at 740-653-5419 or find the registration flier at