Video clips shared by Karen Goodell, 4/1/22
A Ghost in the Making, Searching for the Rusty Patched Bumble Bee
The Ohio Bee Survey, featuring Randy Mitchell (co-investigator, Karen Goodell)
Bumble Bees of Ohio with Randy Mitchell
The Bumble Bees of the Oregon Bee Atlas with Lincoln Best
The Oregon Bee Atlas
The Search for the Arctic Bumble Bee, featuring Hollis Woodard
Conserving Bumble Bees Across North America with Jamie Strange
Bumble Bees and Forage Plants with Jamie Strange
Heather Holm, Native Plants for Bumble Bees
A few other great bumble bee videos:
Ohio Bumble Bee ID 1 with Jessie Novotny
Ohio Bumble Bee ID 2 with Jessie Novotny
Tips and Tricks to Finding and Collecting Bees with Sam Droege