

“What can I do with an English degree?”

This seems to be the question on everyone’s mind when toying with the idea of an English major. Based on experiences with English in high school, one(you?) might wonder what to do with an English degree other than become a teacher or an author. What else could come from studying books and writing papers? [People who’ve graduated from our program have become XYZ.] Let us tell you why the The Ohio State University at Newark English Department is your gateway into this diverse learning field.

Thinking Beyond the Page

English at [OSU] Newark is about more than just reading classic literature and writing research papers.  Yes, we do those things, but when we do, we take it beyond the page. We challenge and interact with novels, poetry, and film, both historical and modern. The materials we discuss take on new meanings as we explore how they function in the world, how they apply to our diverse lives, and how they personally affect us. Our classes, ranging from literature and poetry to grammar and persuasion, are designed to challenge the way we think about the material and are taught by professors who are invested in their students’ futures.


Applicable Across the Board

The skills English majors learn will blend and build together, applying to all classes. Students gain an aptitude for understanding and succeeding. Professors in the English department at OSU Newark work together to ensure students receive a respectable and applicable education.

English majors graduate from The Ohio State University at Newark and create their own unique life paths, but will always have one thing in common: the strong foundation of community and education, garnered in a small, personal setting that is conducive to creative thinking and profound discussions.


Heading Towards the Future

So, why do we study English?  We study English because we are fascinated by the power of words.  We study English because we want to challenge the world around us, to see it with finely tuned analytical skills. We study English because we know that narrative is a dynamic presence in human life.

Why will you study English?


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