My Future Occupation??

As an atmospheric science major, my goal is to work for the National Weather Service as a meteorologist. However, this is extremely difficult to do without experience. While there are internships and volunteer-ships available for college students and older, there is another way to gain this much needed experience. Getting jobs at local news stations as their meteorologist is this other option. This is a good way to start out with a smaller audience and develop more communication and forecasting skills, things that the National Weather Service value greatly.

I found an opening in Michigan for Fox 2, a news station located in Detroit. Here is the link to the posting. Unfortunately for someone straight out of college, this station requires at least three years of forecasting experience as well as a bachelor’s degree in meteorology or atmospheric science. The applicant must be familiar with the technology used in the station and have good communication skills. The station would prefer if the applicant has some knowledge of forecasting severe weather and winter weather, both of which are common in Michigan.

In order to fulfill these demands, I must, of course, first get my degree and gain some experience. This can be possible through internships and volunteer opportunities available to me in college, including a student volunteer program at the NWS office in Cleveland,  which I plan to apply to this summer. Also, I must familiarize myself with the technology associated with meteorology, including codes like Python. Lastly, I must continue to develop my communication skills. I have started doing this by becoming more involved in discussions in my classes and clubs, including the Scarlet and Gray Forecasting Club. As I am a quieter person by nature, I must work harder to ensure that I meet these requirements set by many local news stations, private companies, and the National Weather service. I have a plan to achieve my goals, and will continue to work hard to ensure that I meet them.

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