About Me

Hello! My name is Dean Taylor.  I am a first year with a pre-major in Chemical Engineering within the Engineering College.  I am a new member of the Humanitarian Engineering Scholars program and within the Honors & Scholars Center.  Humanitarian Engineering Scholars has allowed me to become more involved in my community around me through regular community volunteer work.  I’d like to join more student organizations as I become more comfortable with campus.

Outside of school work, you’ll generally see me playing pool at Drackett Tower or playing badminton in the RPAC.  I love to stay active and I’ve found it to be a great way to relieve stress of classes while also making relationships in the process.

Before entering my first year of college at OSU, I attended high school in a small town of Troy, Missouri.  The school offered a great stepping stone into further developing my academic prowess, teaching me hard-work and respect, but yet stunted the growth of my inner conflicts of open-mindedness.  This search for perspectives that differ from my own brought me to OSU, and I believe they will carry me to pursue information past college.