G.O.A.L.S Statement

Global Awareness – To me, this phrase means to be aware of the world around us and being open-minded to every individual’s unique differences and cultures. I hope to eventually go study abroad to fulfill this goal. I’ve always loved to travel and learn about different cultures so I think it would be a very fun, exciting experience to go study abroad somewhere.

Original Inquiry – To work towards this goal, I would like to participate in some sort of undergraduate research. I’m still unsure of exactly what type of research I want to look into but I am very interested in trying to apply to be in some sort of lab to experience what it’s like. Because I am currently set on going on a pre-med track, I think it’s crucial for me to look into doing research to figure out if that is something I’d like to do in the future.

Academic Enrichment – I am set on a pre-med track and I know I want to pursue a career in the medical field in the future. However, I am still unsure of exactly what profession I want to do. In fact, it was only a few months before college started that I decided on a major. After attending some of the Arts & Sciences and Neuroscience exploration days in the summer, I realized that I was really interested in Neuroscience. So I decided that Neuro would be my major and I think it gives me a solid basis for whatever I might want to do in the future. The GE courses I am currently enrolled in are required for my major (on a pre-med track) and I think it will also help me to discover what I am really passionate about. For example, of the classes I am currently enrolled in, I have thoroughly enjoyed Psych 3313 the most and consider it the most interesting so far.

Leadership Development – So far the only “leadership” role I’ve taken on is in J2K, one of OSU’s Kpop dance crews. I am considered a “helper” for one of their main events in November. My job is to learn choreography and teach it to people in my assigned group. We haven’t had very many practices yet but so far, it’s been a very fun experience. I think this position is really helping me to achieve one of my main personal goals which is to “come out of my shell” more. It’s been such a great experience so far because I’ve been able to make many new friends all while doing something that I love and am passionate about.

Service Engagement – As it’s still a bit early in the school year, I haven’t been able to participate in any service activities. However, this is definitely something that I am passionate about as I did lots of volunteer work/service activities throughout high school. Now that I am getting used to college life and balancing my schedule, I think I’m going to look into some service/volunteer work that I could do over the weekends. I’ve heard different clubs do several service/volunteer activities throughout the semester so I hope to find one and join.

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