Experience #1 Pack Shack Service Project
My first volunteer experience was on October 4th from 10:30 pm – 1 am. We helped pack meals for underprivileged families in the city of Columbus. I heard about the opportunity from Jenna who received an email from Kind Columbus regarding the event. My specific job at the event was to make sure that all of the containers with the food in them were properly filled. This meant that a team of guys, myself included had to carry around 50 pound bags and boxes of products constantly refilling the containers so the assembly line could move at a swift pace. One thing I learned about myself during this experience, was how unaware I was of how many families in the community go hungry every day. That taught me that I have a heart to help people who do not have the everyday things I never would consider not having. As a leader, this volunteer opportunity taught me more about coordination and how important it is to be on the same page with everyone. The number of finished products we put out was all because the people in charge made sure we all knew our role and what the end goal was. Because of service learning I am more aware of the hunger problem in our community and want to do more to help make the number smaller. https://www.givebesa.org/events/529
Experience #2 Columbus Marathon
This wonderful experience took place on October 21st from 7-12. The organization we worked with was The Columbus Marathon Org. Myself and a fellow scholar was in charge of coordinating the volunteers and getting into contact with the people running our water station. Specifically, I helped make sure everything that needed to be done was completed as well as handed out water to the runners racing that day. One thing I learned about myself was that I really love to encourage people and give them motivation. This experience impacted my leadership because it taught me not only how to encourage the runners, but also to lead by example with the people who are working with me. Because of service learning I am still learning more about myself, like the fact that I am an encourager and enjoy inspiring other people. http://www.columbusmarathon.com
Experience #3 DSWS Day of Service: Dream Center
This experience took place on November 17th from 12-5. I helped coordinate a group to volunteer at the Dream Center in the Short North area. This facility is connected to and is run by Rock City Church. They provide a lot of needs to the local community. While we were there we specifically helped set up and get them ready for the huge Thanksgiving Day meal they have for people that either do not have families in the area or two, cannot afford any food. I heard about this event because I helped coordinate it with PJ. One of the jobs I had, was to help promote the Thanksgiving Day meal by putting fliers in the doors of community members. This event taught me a lot about myself, because it taught me that I can contact and coordinate a big day of service with the help of my co-partner. It impacted me as a leader because it taught me some coordinating skills and how to deal with large scale groups. Because of service learning I am taking more initiative in helping service the community of Columbus. http://rockcitychurch.tv/dreamcenter