I’m A Bad Libertarian

Hey Reagan here,

I think most of my libertarian friends would be surprised to know I’ve never really read any of the hallmark books on Libertarianism and the Free Market.

I’ve never read The Road to Serfdom, Atlas Shrugged, Human Action, Capitalism and Freedom, For a New Liberty, Liberty Defined, etc. Rather, I tend to read books relating the business and leadership.

Even with my less than expectational knowledge of the great thinkers who shaped our liberty views, I decided to step up anyway and create an SFL club on campus and from there, I’ve had great discussions/debates about important issues and beliefs which as been wonderful in challenging my views and has made me a far better advocate for liberty than I ever thought I would be.

It’s not that I’m against reading those those books. In fact,  I definitely plan to get around to it. However, I wanna show you that you don’t need to be the most literate and most knowledgable libertarian in the room to have the biggest impact on your campus.

You will learn much more about yourself and have a far more positive impact by starting a liberty chapter, tabling on campus, having discussion with your peers, and above all expending your network of students on your campus as opposed to the pitfalls of what many students do which is spending all your extra time reading books and sharing liberty memes and having the same old Facebook arguments.

There is many great organizations that will help you along your journey to be the voice of freedom on your campus such as becoming a Campus Coordinator For Students For Liberty, getting involved with Young Americans for Liberty, or becoming a Campus Ambassador for FEE.


Reagan Brooks,

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me here


YAL Movie Night At The Ohio State University

The Young Americans for Liberty chapter at The Ohio State University hosted a movie screening last month sponsored by Victims of Communism and the movie was called a ”The Propaganda Game” which focused on the horrifying propaganda on the people of North Korea, by the People’s Republic of North Korea.  With only a few days to prepare we were able to promote heavily on Facebook via sharing the event and personally messaging friends and asking if they wanted to attend our movie screening with pizza, popcorn, and food. This event brought around 60 people in attendance which we found as a success considering this was only on a few days notice.

Some words of wisdom

  • Hard promotion of events should be heavily focused on a few days leading up to the event. Often times college students don’t plan out their weeknights too much ahead of time and this gives less time to duck out of the event and/or ignore you.

  • Always do a follow up the day of the event to make sure they’re still going to attend. Emphasizing that there will be pizza at the event is always a great selling point the day of the meeting because most people don’t have their dinner plans decided so your event is a great way to fill that void.

  • Looking back, I realized that college students have very short attention spans so make sure to watch the movie to make sure it’s interesting enough to keep people’s attention. So make sure the documentary/movie is exciting enough for people to want to attend the next time you host your next event/screening.