Alumni Interview

I have chosen Allison Rickman as my alumni for this project. I was instantly drawn to Alison because she was the only alumni with a Biology degree, which is what I am currently working on as well! Because of this shared connection, I believed that she would be the best person to offer me advice and guidance going forward.

Here is what she had to say in regards to my proposed questions;



  1. During my time at OSU I have been involved with ENR scholars, an organization called the Undergraduate Genetic Counseling Club and I am currently holding a job as a student research assistant for a Genetic Counselor. I am a Biology major and am in my last year of my undergraduate studies. Based on my experiences so far, I have found that if there is something you are interested in, try and find other people interested in that as well because these will be great people to talk to but also great resources for courses and even graduate school applications if you are going that route.
  2. ENR scholars for me was very different from most things I had been involved with prior. Outdoor activity was something I never really had time to get into and am still currently slowly doing. However, this scholars program allowed me to expand my horizons and find new things that I would like to try and learn new things about the world around me. I was also able to be involved with the leadership counsel which allowed me to focus on leadership skills and planning things for larger events that was something I had not done before.
  3. So far the most interesting classes I have taken have been the molecular genetics course I took in Autumn semester 2018 and the cancer genetics course I am currently taking. As I am interested in genetics and currently applying to graduate programs for genetic counseling. Because these are the topics I am interested in, these classes are much more enjoyable for me to take.
  4. The only student organization I have and am apart of is the Undergraduate Genetic Counseling Club. This is an organization apprised of students who are interested in pursuing genetic counseling and has been a wonderful resource for me. I have been able to learn more about the profession I am pursuing from this organization and have had the opportunity to network with practicing genetic counselors in the Columbus area.
  5. Currently I am a student research assistant to a genetic counselor and a full time student. From my experience so far, I have found that when navigating the professional world, the best thing you can do is be yourself. I realize this seems silly, but at the same time employers and graduate school programs are looking to make sure that you will be a fit for their company or program and thus it is extremely important to be yourself and show them who you are. Also remember that if you receive interviews, they believe you are qualified so be confident in the answers you are giving to their questions.


Alison responded in amazing detail and I could not have chosen a better candidate for my interview. Her advice on finding people who are interested in similar topics and issues really stood out to me due to the fact that, I actually have not met another biology major yet! I plan on seeking out some more biology majors to see their insight into the future, what they envision themselves doing career wise and how they plan on getting there. I believe once I start taking more of the biology major courses this will come easier but for now I will be more aware when talking to others. I learned most of all that her time as an ENR scholar opened her up to her outdoorsy side, one that she would never have found otherwise. I would like to say that I have had a very similar experience so far! It has been very exciting for me to be able to explore the outdoors and try new activities that I would have never otherwise signed up for.