My First Week at OSU

During my first week at OSU, a lot has changed and a lot of new norms have integrated their way into my daily routine. The most notable change would be interacting with new people and learning how to incorporate getting to know new people, but also staying true to myself and my academics. I like to be alone a good chunk of the time, but I also understand the importance of socializing and having a support system in a new environment. The first few days were rocky, and I felt very alone without my roommate, especially given the fact that everyone else on my floor had their roommate to explore unfamiliar places and experience all of the welcome week events with. It got a lot better once classes started and I could distract myself with homework and what not. Friends also got a lot better, I started to talk to people I had met from the retreat and from orientation and branched out from there. I feel like I have a good friend group, one small enough that mimics the kind of friend group I had at home. I am happy with the people I surround myself with and continue to make new friends in classes and getting to know everyone. Classes also got a little better, the heat is really making homework unbearable but I am getting through it and I enjoy all of my professors. I started to have ‘problems’ per say with my roommate, and we weren’t fighting but it was obvious we were very different people. I wasn’t getting very good sleep because of her and after the third night, she decided for health reasons to move to a single room. Its not that we didn’t get along, we just don’t live together well and I understand that there is nothing wrong with just not meshing well with someone. It does kind of suck because a lot of my friends are really good friends with their roommates and get along and I wanted the same but didn’t luck out.

Some other stuff that happened would be that I joined a club. The club helps curate art events and I’m excited to work my up into the club when I am an upperclassman. I also plan on joining a creative writing club but I have a class when they meet so I have to wait till next semester. I am thinking about joining a dog fostering club but I don’t know if I will depending on what happens with study abroad next year. Along with clubs and involvement, I did get a job in the Music and Dance library in 18th Avenue Library, and I am very excited about it, especially since they are working on an art cataloging project which is similar to something I have done but this time I’ll be getting paid. I hope to talk to my dad more than I am now, I miss him a lot, but my schedule is so bad this semester. My night class is a nuisance, even though I enjoy the class, the timing is horrible. I miss my friend Meggan, who goes to Kent, and I hope to talk to her more too. I am excited to get past this semester and hopefully start to have a more normal schedule and I’ll be able to do homework.

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