Year in Review

Over the past year, I have been able to mature and better prepare myself for the real world. This year I have developed a starting resume and obtained my first job. Through my job I have learned about balancing a work life with school and a social life. In addition, more responsibility has taught me to be more mature and take advantage of other opportunities. Team work and leadership have also become more relevant in my life since starting college.


[ “G.O.A.L.S.” is a place where students write about how their planned, current, and future activities may fit into the Honors & Scholars G.O.A.L.S.: Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement. For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.

Global Awareness: Students cultivate and develop their appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences. For example, consider course work, study abroad, involvement in cultural organizations or activities, etc .
Original Inquiry: Honors & Scholars students understand the research process by engaging in experiences ranging from in-class scholarly endeavors to creative inquiry projects to independent experiences with top researchers across campus and in the global community. For example, consider research, creative productions or performances, advanced course work, etc.
Academic Enrichment: Honors & Scholars students pursue academic excellence through rigorous curricular experiences beyond the university norm both in and out of the classroom.

For academic enrichment, I interviewed an upperclassman pursuing a medical degree. Ren Kuzmanovich was the person I interviewed. She talked about how she was taking the MCAT this June and had started studying in February during her junior year. As a biology major and Spanish minor, she stated that the hardest class she has taken at OSU was calculus 3. Ren is also involved with research based in a farm life setting. She suggested that the best way to get involved in research was to go to the website of the area of study you are interested in and email professors about opportunities within their lab. She highly recommends participating in buckeyethon as it was one of her favorite volunteering projects.

During my second year, I interviewed a third year in veterinary school. During this he talked about the structure of veterinary school, where the first two years are mainly classes with some lab work, the third year starts some rounds through the veterinary hospital and the fourth is revolved around gaining experience in different areas of veterinary medicine through rounds all year. An interesting note he made was that you are required to work through the different specialties even if it does not coincide with interests but there are extra electives where you can work certain areas again. I had asked him about large animals since that was what he was specializing in and he stated that there are ways to go off campus to work rounds with large animal veterinarians as long as it is credited by the school.

Leadership Development: Honors & Scholars students develop leadership skills that can be demonstrated in the classroom, in the community, in their co-curricular activities, and in their future roles in society.
Service Engagement: Honors & Scholars students commit to service to the community.]r

My service engagement over the last year has included making bracelets and cards for sick children in the children’s hospital, 10 hours, volunteering to help with the presidential election and getting people to vote, 3 hours, as well as making makeshift shoes and pillows for kids in poverty stricken countries, 8 hours. Most of this time has been spent making the bracelets and cards since I was able to do this most Monday nights. In addition, I was able to spend a couple hours volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, 3 hours of service. This was a very rewarding experience as I helped make the lives of people with extreme misfortune a little better and more bearable.

My most memorable experience of service was at the Garden of Hope during the first week. This was for 3 hours total. This is memorable to me because I have a large interest in agriculture but also because of how fun it was. Overall, the volunteers picked vegetables and removed weeds. This inherently is not fun but there was a large community feeling and energy that made working with everyone an enjoyable experience. This garden was a spot for past cancer patients to harvest fresh produce in hopes of making their lives easier and healthier. My contribution to this project gave me a sense of pride and accomplishment as I helped those people have food available to them as well as keep the garden looking nice.

During my second year, I was able to continue with Buckeyes for a Cause and make more bracelets and cards for kids at the Nationwide Children’s hospital. This was accompanied by two additional trips the the Ronald McDonald House to volunteer and make food for those staying and receiving pediatric care.


Alex Stroebel – 120 W 11th Ave Columbus, OH 43210



To shadow or get an internship at a veterinary clinic this winter and going into the summer.


The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH                                  Expected Graduation Date: May 2020

B.S. Biochemistry


Bedford High School, Bedford, New Hampshire, 03110 Graduating GPA 4.15



Civil Air Patrol Manchester, NH – (September 2013 – December 2015)

Air Force Auxiliary group of volunteers that started at age 12, in which military customs and courtesies are taught in a nonmilitary setting, civilian. One of the main tasks was volunteering in the community, like helping with festivals, parades, car shows, or plane shows.

Joppa Hill Educational Farm Bedford, NH – (September 2015 – June 2016)

Helped refurbish the garden and built the farm three cold frames that would allow them to winter over vegetables more easily extending the growing season. I also helped take care of the animals by cleaning stalls and feeding animals.




  • Health Sciences Scholars (HSS) Program (August 2016 – Present)
    • Chosen to participate in competitive, community-based program for first and second year students interested in health-related careers; attend weekly seminar course and relevant HSS events, complete 40 service hours per year
  • Buckeyes for A Cause, (October 2016 – Present)
  • Medlife (September 2016 – Present)
  • Chemistry and Biochemistry Club (September 2016 – Present)


High School:

  • National Honor Society (January 2015 – June 2016)
  • Spanish Honor Society (January 2015 – June 2016)
  • Technology Student Association, Sergeant at Arms, Vice President (August 2013 – June 2016)



  • Worked with large animals before, cows at a dairy farm and horses at an educational farm along with pigs
  • Have taken care of animals such as cats and dogs and have been around them all my life
  • Have a good understanding of basic biological processes and chemistry


  • Traditions at Kennedy Columbus, Ohio (September 2016 – Present)
    • Worked as a steward which is a janitorial position. I was in charge of keeping the kitchen clean along with unloading shipments received by the business



University Resource


Eat Healthier


Become a Veterinarian

The previous assignments have lead up to this final strategic plan by promoting the investigation of one’s interests and of different majors and career paths. For example, the Finding Your Focus helped to suggest what types of careers would best suite your likes and dislikes. The Major Exploration helped me to gain an understanding of my current major biochemistry and to look into different majors like public health and animal sciences. Biochemistry was my primary choice as a major because high school introduced me to chemistry and biology. Both of these classes were fun but chemistry stood out more to me so biochemistry seemed like the natural medium. My plan B I developed into either public health or more likely animal sciences. This is because these majors tend to have the same beginning classes so switching would not be too much of a problem. Also, since my preferred profession would be to become a veterinarian, which all these majors cover the prerequisites for and prepare me well for. To help me through this process, I have my professors and older students in the same position to talk to. Since both have experience with what I will be going through, I can use their information to make educated decisions on whether to continue on my course of action or try another way.

My plan for staying healthy while focusing on academics and social aspects of life is to eat healthy foods provided by the university. In addition, the gyms and recreational fields can be put to use to stay active. I can manage this by having my friends keep me on track and even encourage them to join me.

Word Count: 278

About Me


I am Alex Stroebel, and I was a military kid while my dad was an officer in the Coast Guard. As a result, I moved around every few years living in a total of 5 states, Michigan, South Carolina, Connecticut, Washington, and New Hampshire in that order. During my time in high school, I took many opportunities academically and extracurricular. I engaged in the International Baccalaureate classes while also participating in soccer, basketball, technology student association(a club, TSA), and civil air patrol. Each of these choices pushed me to excel in multiple areas as I learned study skills, time management, teamwork, business practice from TSA, and the importance of community service from civil air patrol. Civil air patrol had a major influence on me during high school. The premise of the organization is to teach core principles taught in a similar fashion to the military, and is an auxiliary of the Air Force. As part of this organization I learned basic military disciplines and marching. Towards the end of my high school career, I decided to do a community service project for a local educational farm. I had developed a major interest in biology and agriculture, so I considered this a great opportunity. The picture above is a picture of me standing with the near finished project, just missing the lids which I finished later. What I did for the farm was I built 3 ten foot long by 4 foot wide cold frames for the garden. A cold frame has a slanted top which a clear lid covers and acts as a mini greenhouse for plants during cooler seasons. This way the farm, in the cool of a New England winter, start the gardening process earlier. Through all the experiences in high school I came to the decision to work towards a graduate degree in veterinary medicine.