End of the Year Reflection

This year has been very eventful and honestly very eye-opening. The class and the scholar program has impacted me exponentially for the better. I have formed new friendships and a new understanding on the problems brought to the environment from people and their actions. The class has led me to want to work in agriculture and find solutions to provide clean food and water for impoverished places. The information given to me about resumes and interviews has made me realized that I am not as prepared as I thought I was for life after college. I never really thought about how hard it might be to get a job and that rejection will occur often. I learned more about what my interest are, I really like reading science fiction book and I started getting into anime. I have been really learning more about my mental health and how to stay positive through this pandemic. I have really learned that I love to help others and make other people happy. I also learned that I love exploring new places and cultures. I think this year I feel like I have matured as a person and my perspective of some things has changed. I think my favorite memory from this past year has been going to Texas for my birthday. It was the start of the pandemic, so everything was not as bad as it is now and I was very happy and less stressed. I never really took time to treat myself so going to Houston really showed me how treating yourself can help your mental health. I also enjoyed meeting everybody in ENR Scholars at the beginning of the school year and getting to know them and what their interest are. Meeting my ENR floormates was great because they were my first friends here on campus and they made me feel more welcome. Next year I am looking forward to meeting new people and joining new organizations on campus. I am also looking forward to having in person classes and learning more about my future career. I also am looking forward to the events hosted by ENR Scholars because of the lack of events that happened this year. I want to be more involved on campus and attend events related to my major. I want to attend sports games and meet new people. I want to look for internships and jobs that will help me build my resume. I am just really excited about being able to do more next year and have more opportunities to open up.

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