March Reflection

This month I learned about how to properly manage money properly and how to save for emergency. They gave us information about credit cards and how to properly build your credit. I found it really interesting because we learned about things that will help us after graduation. I also learned how to properly set up my LinkedIn profile, I already had an account, but I was able to go and make it look way more professional. This month I learned that I really like learning about different places and cultures. I have always been interested but I have been getting really into more information dealing with cultures and languages and how it differs from America. I have been learning more about African countries and the tribes in each country. I have been really interested in Central and East African countries. Something that I have struggled with this month is balancing school, work, and social life. It has been really hard because this semester I have been hanging out with people when I did not last semester. Being motivated to go to work has been a real problem, I have been closing at my job and I get out really late. It’s has been hard trying to figure out how to make time for schoolwork and working. I think I might not work next year so I can have more time for school. This month I have achieved figuring out what I want to do in life and what will help me to achieve these goals after college. I might join the Peace Corps after college, but I have been really contemplating doing it because it will be such a big change. But life comes with big changes and to move forward you have to make choices that with bring you discomfort. I am just hoping for the best for my future and I am very excited.

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