Alumni Interview

For this project, I interviewed Andrew Wilk. Andrew was a former ENR Scholar who majored in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences. He is currently a Master’s student working for Dr. Bill Peterman at the Ohio State University, investigating the effects of wildlife on the salamander community distributions in the Southern Appalachians. Andrew provided me with plenty of information on Forestry and Wildlife and how to maneuver through college successfully. Andrew provided with some interesting student organizations that I believe I would be interested in like, Student Chapter of Forest and Wildlife Society and the Forestry Forum. He also gave me some ideas of what classes to take that would like. He told me that Introduction to Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife and Soil Science are very essential to understanding more about the major and what this career leads to after college. He enjoyed the course Stream Ecology while he attended the Ohio State University for his bachelor’s degree. He also advised me to make sure I try to find an undergraduate internship because it will open many doors for me after graduation. He also said that if I gain connection, I might be able to use these people as references or someone who can help me find a job. I really enjoyed the advice to not accept unpaid internships, they are good but it is better to get paid for the work you have done. He gave me some advice that I believe I will take very personally, and that was to own up to mistakes and ask how to fix them. I consider myself a stubborn sometimes and independent for everything. But, we are young and new to many situations as we grow so it is always best to learn from your mistakes and keep them with you. He gave me some tips on how to prepare myself for an interview, I have been interviewed many times but not anything as serious as something I would like to be doing for the rest of my life.He gave four importants tips and those include: 1. Know your resume, they are going to be asking you questions about yourself and you should be able to answer them quickly. 2. Know the questions you are going to ask them, asking questions shows that you are interested. 3. Know what you are interviewing for, do not just go in there and wing it because you do not want to get yourself into something you are not prepared for. 4. Know what they do, this ties into Tip 3 but make sure when they ask you questions that you are capable of answering them. That is what my interview with Andrew consisted of, I really did enjoy his company and his advice. I will be keep everything he said in mind and apply it to my future. Thank you Andrew.

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