Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


G.O.A.L.S. are very important to the Honors & Scholars program. G.O.A.L.S. stands for Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement. The two that fit in to my current and future plans are original inquiry and service engagement. Original inquiry is individualized projects and research through academic and non-academic facilities. Service Engagement is a student’s commitment to servicing their community

Some of my current and future plans also fit in to the S of G.O.A.L.S. which is service engagement. Currently I am volunteering at COSI through my STEM EE scholars program. At COSI I get to do experiments with kids and their parents. Next semester I also have some more service engagement plans. I plan to start volunteering at the Columbus Learning Cooperative. The Columbus Learning Cooperative is an alternative in Columbus for kids who learn better in non-traditional settings or parents who prefer their kids learn in a nontraditional setting. At CLC students get to have unique education plans tailored to their interests or needs. I will be volunteering at CLC through a club called Current, which is for students interested in marine biology, and we will be going to CLC to give a group of student’s weekly lessons on different marine biology topics. Next semester I also hope to get involved in another volunteer program through another club I’m a part of. The club I’m going to be volunteering through is the Zoology club and service we are doing is volunteering at the Butternut Farm Wildcat Sanctuary in Johnstown, Ohio. BFWS is a nonprofit sanctuary home to 13 species of exotic animals including cougars, fox’s, bobcats and many more animals that were all rescued from private owners who could no longer provide for them. BFWS is dedicated to educating the public about the 36 species of wildcats in the world and the issues that are threatening the survival. All the animals at the sanctuary are cared for by one caretaker named Rick and he depends on weekend volunteers to help maintain the sanctuary. I believe that Honors & Scholars G.O.A.L.S. will continue to be a part of my academic and professional career.



[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]

OWL 2017

OWL or Ohio Welcome Leader is a program that allows students living in residence halls to move in early, prepare their residence halls and build community. As a participant of this program i was able to move in two days early and then spend the next next two days getting to know my floormates. On the first night we were split by floor in to OWL Flocks. Over the next few days my Flock got to know each other, the campus, and Columbus better. We played cards against humanity together, ate together, went to a improve show, and the Columbus food truck festival. Being an OWL is one experience I definitely do not regret. Being an OWL allowed me to build a community with the people on my floor, helped me build a strong supportive group of friends, and allowed me to settle in to campus living before classes started.

Photo: This photo was taken at the OWL carnival on the second night of OWL training. The other person in the photo is Mallory, a member of my OWL Flock, who I now consider one of my closet friends.


About Me

Hannah Stinson is a second year student from Swanton, Ohio. Here at OSU she is participating in College of Arts and Science’s Biology program and OSU’s Stem Exploration and Engagement scholars program. She also serves as the Director of Programming for the Barret-Nosker Governing Organization, which puts on events for the about 800 residents that live in the Barrett and Nosker residence halls. Hannah also volunteers as a welcome ambassador at OSU Carepoint East and participates in Ohio State’s Second Year Transformational Program. There are still many opportunities here at OSU and in Columbus that she hopes to take advantage of during the rest of her time here including participating in medical research and volunteering at Nationwide Children’s hospital. After graduation Hannah intends to purse a medical degree. She is considering the possibility of attending a medical scientist training program, in which she would complete a medical degree and a Ph.D. in genetics, anatomy and physiology, pathobiology, or cancer biology, after which she would purse a career as a physician scientist.

Outside of school activities Hannah also enjoys reading, listening to music, and spending time with her friends, family, and pets. She was also a eight year member of Hoppin “N” Trottin 4H club in which she raised and show multiple types of livestock, participated in competitive shooting sports, and volunteered as a certified archery instructor. Hannah was also president of her 4H club for three year and held officer position for six of her eight years in 4H. Now that Hannah is no longer eligible to participate in the program as a 4Her, due to turning 18, she plans to return to the program in the Fall of 2019 to volunteer as a 4H advisor and archery instructor. Although Hannah has never had the chance to travel outside the country she has a great desire to travel and hope to get the chance to travel to places all over the world, especially places like Bhutan, Tanzania, Palau, Iceland, and Antarctica.   In the future she hopes to travel around the world especially to places like Bhutan,  South Africa, and Palau. Hannah loves to learn new things and have new experiences so she can not wait to see what else The Ohio State University has in store for her.