Wesley Glen Halloween Party


On Wednesday October 24th, a group of Biological Science Scholars volunteered at Wesley Glen Retirement Home. They were celebrating Halloween with a party. The residents passed out candy to children as they trick-or-treated through the hallways of the home. We were able to help out by working in a haunted house, pointing people in the right directions, and passing out food and drinks. I think this is an amazing event that they do at Wesley Glen because you can see how happy this makes the residents. I hope I can volunteer at another event just like this one in the near future!

A Semester in Review

As my first semester of college begins to wind down, there are many things I have learned about myself and life as a college student. During the middle of the semester when classes began to pick up, I started to struggle. I had to make changes in the way I was managing my time outside of classes, the ways I was studying, and getting adjusted to all the responsibility that now lies on your shoulders.

Throughout high school, I was a ginormous procrastinator and always managed to get excellent grades based off rushed work. Also, I hardly ever had to study. Well, as soon as you get to college, all of those bad habits hit you like a brick wall. I quickly had to learn to get my work done efficiently, while still putting the maximum amount of effort into whatever I was doing. Although I still struggle with procrastination sometimes, I have improved drastically with not procrastinating. Also, I have learned to study in the ways that benefit my learning, which was done with a bit of trial and error with different studying methods.

Getting adjusted to the college life is difficult and has many disadvantages, but it has just as many advantages. In these short few months, I have met many new friends and created so many close bonds that will last a very long time. While being here at Ohio State, I have come to realize that you have so many opportunities right in front of you. These opportunities can lead you to something great. Ultimately, your attitude determines how your college experience will turn out, therefore you should make the most out of these next couple years.


Being apart of Honors and Scholars has entailed me to accomplish my “G.O.A.L.S.”. These goals are established to help make students more well rounded for their future. The G.O.A.L.S of Honors and Scholars are:

  • Global Awareness:  This is where students learn more about diversity,  many different cultures, and what brings us together as a world. Global Awareness can be achieved through one of the multiple study abroad opportunities that Ohio State offers or getting involved in cultural club or organization.
  • Original Inquiry: Original Inquiry correlates with research and how students use their resources to make relationships with faculty and other researchers.
  • Academic Enrichment: students challenge themselves to achieve academic excellence throughout their collegiate career to expand their experiences.
  • Leadership Development: Throughout a student’s journey at Ohio State, many valuable leadership skills will be developed to help in activities both in and out the classroom, as well as in the future.
  • Service Engagement: Students should commit service to help better the community around them.

Being apart of the Biological Scholars Program, I have begun to start working on my Leadership Development and Original Inquiry. For my leadership development, I try to take initiative in group projects to keep everyone on track and to make sure the final product is of its best quality. For original inquiry, I have been looking into research opportunities that could potentially benefit my future career. I have yet to get involved in research, but I plan on doing so within the next year!

Ice Cream Social

At Ohio State, you have the opportunity to join a multitude of clubs to become involved in. During one of the first weeks of the semester, the Chemistry and Biochemistry Club held a ice cream social. This benefited me in many ways. I was able to talk to multiple professors about a future in Biochemistry and I was also able to get plenty of information about when and how to get involved in research. During the social, I was able to interact with people that have the same major and the path that they’ve taken to be successful. Plus what’s better than free ice cream?

Welcome to my Honors & Scholars e-Portfolio

Hello! I’m Sydney Stevens and a current freshman at The Ohio State University. My E-Portfolio is to help future employers get a glimpse into my academic and professional career. With this portfolio, I hope to keep track of my goals and accomplishments throughout my time here at Ohio State.

Beginning of the Future

On January 24, 2018, I received my Letter of Acceptance for Ohio State. In this moment, I realized that everything I had been dreaming about and working towards was so close to reality. Everything from a dream of becoming a doctor to starting college finally seemed so real and all within reach. This moment was the first stepping stone on the path into my future.

About Me

Hello! My name is Sydney Stevens. I’m a freshman at The Ohio State University. My intended major is Biochemistry with a possible minor in French on a pre-med track. With my degree, I hope to go to either medical or graduate school. While going to Ohio State, some of my goals are to become a better student, to increase my learning at a higher education, and better my leadership skills. Even though I’ve only been on campus for a short time, I have already gotten involved in some clubs and organizations. First, I am apart of the Biological Sciences Scholar program. Then I’ve joined the Chemistry and Biochemistry club and OSU Oval Dogs! I hope to join some more organizations later in the semester!