Education Abroad in Oxford, England

Name: Garrett Rethman

Type of Project: Education Abroad

My STEP Signature Project was an education abroad trip through the Office of International Affairs’ Oxford Pre-Law Program. The five-week program brought me to Oxford, England, to study at St. Anne’s College within the University of Oxford. I took two courses to aid me with my overall academic abilities and to help me determine whether a future in law would be appropriate.

The challenges I experienced during my program gave me a greater understanding of my capability to thrive in the world. Prior to the beginning of my program, I was a timid person. I would actively avoid taking risks, preferring to stay in my “comfort zone” where I knew I was safe. As a result of my program, while I am definitely still a more reserved person, I can safely say that I am more courageous and less afraid to take risks. I have realized the immense rewards and learning that can occur when I push myself past my boundaries and I look forward to challenging myself more in the future.

The first aspect of my program which led to my transformation was the actual travel to Oxford, England, for the beginning of my program. Prior to this experience, I had only travelled by myself one time and I had never taken an international flight. For this program, I had to travel by myself within the United States for a day just to board the international flight. After the international flight, I had to figure out how to buy the appropriate bus ticket to get to the bus station in Oxford. This travel forced me to become more bold as I needed to be confident in asking strangers for assistance along the journey and my successful arrival in Oxford demonstrated to me that I was capable of travelling internationally.

The second aspect of my program which aided me in my transformation was socializing with my classmates while on the trip. While I have never struggled to make friends, I generally have a small social circle due to my more reserved nature. Being constantly surrounded by my classmates on the trip reminded me how much I enjoy getting to know new people and allowed me to become friends with people from different backgrounds and with different views on the world than my own. This socializing helped make the program memorable and will make me more likely to try to get to know new people in the future.

Punting along the River Cherwell in Oxford

The third and final important aspect of my program which led to my increased confidence in my own abilities was the academic challenge of the program. As part of the program, I had to brief law cases, write a homework law memo, write a timed in-class law memo, and write a 12-15 page final paper. Each of these components challenged me and forced me to rely on my own ability and capability to learn. I now know that I am capable of producing high quality work in a short period of time.

In the future, I wish to be a lawyer. As such, it is necessary that I am able to confidently and competently handle complex issues raised by my clients. The changes I experienced during my education abroad experience in Oxford will thus allow me to act as a better lawyer in the future, aiding both myself and others. In the short period of time I have been back in the United States since the completion of my education abroad experience I have already experienced positive changes in my confidence and critical thinking abilities. I know that these changes will endure for the rest of my life and help me not only professionally, but personally as well.