My Time Abroad: Introduction to the History, Politics, and Culture of Great Britain

For my STEP project, I took a May class studying the history, politics, and culture of Great Britain for a month. We stayed and went to class in London, and in the afternoons, we went on trips to well-known places and museums around London. Coming into this experience, I did not know what to expect or anyone going on this trip, but when it was over, I made friends I will have forever and memories that will last a lifetime.


Looking back at my trip, I realized I have changed and developed into a more insightful, worldly person. I was stepping into uncharted territories, did not know anyone one the trip, and I was very nervous. Stepping out of my comfort zone is not an unknown thing for me, but being across the ocean having no one I knew around was a little different. I already felt I was a pretty independent person, but this really proved me right. With never living in a worldly city like London, I really had to grow up and figure out how to live on my own. With this trip, I became more aware of my surroundings. With having to navigate the Underground and the city of London, I needed to make sure I knew what was going on at all times. In Columbus, I feel comfortable walking and getting around the city since I knew it so well, and after awhile in London, I felt the same way. With this, I realized that I am capable of maneuvering around a large city on my own. It helped me realize that one day I could be living in London or New York City, Chicago, or somewhere like that on my own and be okay. I never thought that before. I always thought I couldn’t handle the stress or hustle and bustle all around me, but it turned out I absolutely loved every second of it. With this, I immediately knew that when I graduate I would love to be somewhere in a big city working.


Also, before going on my trip in London, I never really appreciated or knew about the London culture and the issues of Brexit. Being an American, sometimes it is difficult to relate and think about what is going on outside our bubble of USA. Living and having first hand experiences with London natives really helped me gain perspective of how Londoners felt about what is going on with Brexit. With this experience, I feel as though I grew as a citizen of the world and gained a respect for other cultures. We were able to talk to Londoners, and we read articles and watched documentaries about how people felt during with the situation in the UK. I would think about how the immigrants’ lives are going to change now that the UK is officially going to split from the EU. We are all human, and we all deserve to be thought about equally.

One key aspect that led me to to grow as an individual was meeting and becoming close to the wonderful people on my trip. There were seven people who really impacted my trip, and I know I can go to them for anything. They helped me step out of my comfort zone and really experience London and all it has to offer. Sometimes, I would be too tired or not want to do something, but they would always remind me it was a once in a lifetime experience we would have. They really helped me become more daring and step outside my comfort zone to live life to the full potential. With this, I now want to seize every experience and opportunity I have, so I can live life to the fullest.


As I said before with being able to completely and confidently navigate the tube, I realized that I have the capability and desire to live in a big city once I am out of college. I knew I was able to live on my own in a big city while safely getting around a bustling, busy city. The same with going to our excursions after class, we had to go to our meeting location on our own and navigate the city. By the time it was the end of the trip, I knew where to go and how to get there. Even in a worldly city I could move around. All of these experiences made it known to myself that I want to live in a worldly city, such as London or NYC.

Also, I think the class itself really helped me with my transformation. My two professors were really great, and they really focused on getting the classes involved with discussions on the topics we were learning about. With these discussions, they really helped me think about the topics on hand. With Brexit, immigration issues, and race/religion problems, I took a deeper reflections on the issues. They really opened my mind to ideas that other classmates had. The class opened my mind to other possibilities and view points that I did not have previously. One issue, with some of the artifacts at the British museum, really made me think about other society’s cultures and artifacts and how they feel with London keeping them instead of giving them back. There were many other aspects of the class that widened my thoughts and helped me become more of a worldly thinker.

With these changes, and the many more that occurred, I believe this trip has changed me for the better. Changing my viewpoint of the world has made me a more positive and accepting  person. I will carry this with me at school and in the business world. Everyone has feelings and ideas and should be heard. I also believe that I have become more patient as a person. I have learned to love being in the moment and taking everything in. You never know if you will ever be in that place or situation again, so I realized I had to experience everything. Patience is such an important characteristic that I needed in my life, and I have been using it in my everyday life to become a better person.

My month in London was everything I could ask for and more. I met some of the most amazing people that I will get to see when I get to go back to school, and I have memories and lessons that will stick with me forever. As I left, I was confident in public transportation, more open-minded to the people and situations going on around me, and filled with happiness and love. I believe I have grown and matured with my time in London. I experienced the emotions and feelings of Londoners first hand with Brexit. Learning about other people’s cultures and lifestyles is so important in order to be more open to the world, and this trip helped me accomplish this to an extent. As the school year will start again in August, I plan on bringing my new attitudes and thoughts with me and trying to make a difference within the school and our community.