Name: Lauren Haney
Type of Project: Education Abroad
- Please provide a brief description of your STEP Signature Project. Write two
or three sentences describing the main activities your STEP Signature Project
My STEP Signature Project was an education abroad trip through the Ohio State Department of Animal Sciences where we visited dairy farms in the European countries of Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. I was enrolled in a pre departure course as well as a three credit hour course, Animal Science 3797.07, while abroad which satisfies some of my major courses. While in Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium for two weeks, our group toured facilities relating to the dairy industry including various farms, universities, factories, and markets, and we went on sightseeing excursions in most of the cities as well.
- What about your understanding of yourself, your assumptions, or your
view of the world changed/transformed while completing your STEP
Signature Project? Write one or two paragraphs to describe the change or
transformation that took place.
This education abroad trip was my first time traveling outside of the United States so my eyes were opened to all of the new experiences I had. About myself, I learned that I enjoy meeting new people and asking stories about their life so as to learn what makes them the way they are. This applies to both my Ohio State peers, none of whom I knew before going on the trip, along with the locals in the European countries that we visited. I was fascinated by the lives of the dairy farmers and even though I knew very little about the dairy industry before this trip, my new friends helped me understand. Before traveling outside of the U.S., I had assumed that Europe would be very different than life here, and this was true in many regards, but at the same time, I saw for myself that Europeans are people just like Americans. Everyone works, has fun, has a family, goes to school etc. When I retuned home, I began researching new places I wanted to see in the near future because my first trip abroad to these European countries was so inspiring thanks to my Ohio State peers, locals we met, excursions, and learning outside of a classroom.
- What events, interactions, relationships, or activities during your STEP
Signature Project led to the change/transformation that you discussed in
#2, and how did those affect you? Write three or four paragraphs describing
the key aspects of your experiences completing your STEP Signature Project
that led to this change/transformation.
Going into this education abroad trip, I did not know any of the other students who I would also be attending. The majority of students were animal science or various types of agriculture majors, and me and one other girl were the only food engineers. This made me nervous because I knew many of them were already friends and I was an outsider but very much also wanted to befriend everyone. Without much time to talk in the pre departure class, I began introducing myself at the airport and discovered others who did not know many people as well. Additionally, the 20 students on the trip ranged from senior to sophomore so I became friends with OSU students of all ages.
After learning everyone’s name, next I wanted to learn about the dairy industry and the farms that some of the students lived on. I had quickly realized that the owners of the dairy farms we would be visiting in Europe talked to us as if everyone knew the ins and outs of milking cows, goats, and sheep. This was not the case for me, however, and since I was too embarrassed to directly ask the owners questions, I began asking my peers. Doing so proved to be a great decision because I was able to learn about the European dairy industry and United States dairy industry simultaneously while also getting to know my new friends better. Everyone was so nice and eager to help me learn and talk about their experiences that I was able to strike up friendships quickly.
I was so far out of my comfort zone being abroad for the first time, befriending a group of 20 new people plus two professors, and learning about the European and U.S. dairy industries, but I absolutely loved it. The people on my study abroad trip changed me and are really what made the trip so enjoyable. Additionally, I believe that I bonded with the other students on my trip the most when we had free time to tour cities or explore before and after dinner time each night. While most of the students on my trip were comfortable on farms, the entire group was out of their comfort zone when we were moving from town to town and city to city taking in all the sights. Looking back on the trip, I believe that this is why the little moments are some of my favorites.
The comradery of my education abroad group changed me as did the fact that I stepped into a completely new situation. I am not very much aware of how I get to know new people and have found that the best way to get to know someone is to ask them questions about their life. This is the same for the locals we met while in Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. For example, in Netherlands we toured a university and had a social hour with some of the animal science and veterinary students in which I decided to asked them more about their personal lives rather than academic studies. Through this experience and meeting my new friends on the trip, I have learned that once I find out someone’s background I am able to better understand what has brought them to the current point in one’s life and why my peers or the European locals have chosen what they are studying and what their goals are. I have been changed by the human interactions that occurred throughout my whole STEP Signature Project.
- Why is this change/transformation significant or valuable for your
Life? Write one or two paragraphs discussing why this change or
development matters and/or relates to your academic, personal, and/or
professional goals and future plans.
As a result of my education abroad trip, I have been changed with how I interact with everyone around me. Human interaction and good communication is vital to succeed and enjoy life. I know that this is one area of my life that I can constantly improve because my interactions with peers are constantly changing. For example, after graduation I will become a young professional and communication will be important for my job. It is my goal to work in a managerial position for a well known food company and maybe even start my own company one day. Knowing how to communicate effectively with a variety of different people will help me stand out and achieve my goals. Additionally, I wish to travel much more now that I have been exposed to life outside of the United States. Every country is so different yet similar from the life I currently know in the U.S. and the two weeks I have experienced in three European countries. By communicating effectively, everyone can learn a lot from each other and it can lead to a more peaceful world.