Mundo Multicultural Histories and Legacies

Iman Eaton

This trip exposed me to the advantages and disadvantages people who are not American . We did this by going to different communities, hearing about different experiences, and exploring issues surrounding an integrated global community.


I would say that during my trip I became more independent. I was able to explore London and Paris by myself at times. I was able to become more comfortable about being on my own .I assumed that I would be scared and feel alone in a country that I was unfamiliar with and that didn’t speak my language. It gave me a desire to explore more places in the world.


My vision of the world hadn’t necessarily changed because I had visited London and Paris before. But it did affirm for me my privileges as an American citizen. The trip exposed me to the political and societal issues of another country instead of being immersed in our own. I saw this as we toured different communities and spoke with individuals that are unlike myself.


A key experience for me on the trip was volunteering at the London Action for the Homeless. I washed the dishes and helped prepare a meal for the homeless. I enjoyed being able to be of service to those who don’t have the same lifestyle as I. It was interesting to me to talk to them and hear their stories. It showed me that no matter where I am or how small the service I can always be a blessing to another person.


Another experience I had was witnessing the heavy security in Paris due to the terrorist attacks prior to my visit. It was like the country was in this state of paranoia, just waiting for something to happen for someone to strike. I remember walking to the subway with a friend and seeing a group of militia with large guns just on the street in broad daylight. It made me realize that there is a threat of terror everywhere and I cannot live my live in fear and not see certain places because of it.


My last key experience was the issue of Brexit, if the UK was going to leave the European union or not. It was interesting to witness because not living in the UK I don’t see the media coverage of their issue. All we see is coverage of the election. It was shocking to me that they decided to leave because I thought that the majority was in favor of staying.


The realizations and changes that I experienced on this trip  has shaped me personally. I am a lot more conscious of things going on in the world. I try to step outside the bubble that I feel I am in at Ohio State. I recognize my privilege, and I am going to use it for good and to shed light on global issues. I definitely want to work with people from different countries and travel more and be able to take my children to some of these places.