Brazil Global May Study Abroad

Version 2

Name: Gabrielle Benton

Type of Project: Study Abroad

For my STEP Signature Project I went on the OSU Brazil Global May Program. I traveled with Dr. Lúcia Costigan and Raphael Palermos for a month through the southeast and northeast regions of Brazil. We learned about the everyday life culture of Brazil, looking at religion, history, politics, and socioeconomic disparity.

Before traveling to Brazil I had always seen myself working or living in Europe after graduation. I started taking French when I was younger and had romantic ideals about living in France and starting a new life there. Last year, however, I made the decision to double major in Romance Studies with my Strategic Communications major. I started taking Portuguese classes and decided to learn more about South America and Brazil. img_0975

When we arrived in Brazil, I was amazed by the welcoming nature of the people there. I had not realized how much of an influence the United States has on Brazil and that they are so interested in our lifestyles, pop culture, and politics. Above all, I was humbled. The trip gave me a new perspective on my life, the many opportunities I have for my future, and how valuable new experiences are. Through our travels, I saw how beautiful the country is, but how much reform needs to be done. This trip helped me see how much there is to learn about the world and this country.

The first city we stayed in was São Jose do Rio Preto. We were there for four days and those days have had the greatest impact on my life. I was able to meet a young woman named Iris who studied English to be a translator and who now teaches English to other Brazilians. She was a close friend of one of the trip leaders and I got to spend time with her going to a mall during our free time where she told me about her daily life and taught me new Portuguese words. We spent hours talking about our lives and she took me to my first Brazilian McDonald’s.

By the time we had to travel to the next city, we were sad to part ways. To this day we still talk regularly and she hopes to visit in the next few years. Through our conversations we have been able to relate to each other about the difficulties of learning a new language and adjusting to a different culture. Iris once told me that she was sure Communication was the perfect program for me because I had made her feel welcomed and happy from the moment that we met. Hearing this from someone who had only known me a short time and who comes from a completely different part of the world reassured me of my abilities and myself.

I also met a university student in Rio Preto who connected with me because of his dream to study abroad in America. I have been helping him work on his English and look into different programs so he can realize his dreams, like I did when I went to Brazil. It is such a humbling experience to realize that you can make a difference in someone’s life, through friendship or mentorship. This trip demonstrated to me that I have been given opportunities for education and travel so I can then use my knowledge to make a difference in the world, particularly through communications and education.

After graduation, I am excited to use my degree in Communications and Romance Studies (French and Portuguese) to apply for a Fulbright program or work for an international non-profit organization. Studying abroad this summer made me more confident in my abilities to adjust to a new culture and make new relationships abroad. While in Brazil we visited many schools, non-profits, and varying communities—from the wealthy neighborhoods to favelas. I know that after my international experiences I am more qualified to relate to people and dedicated to my goals of helping improve the lives of others. With further dedication to my Portuguese language skills and research, I know I will find the right path for my future with Brazil or other Portuguese-speaking countries.

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