
Autumn 2020 Semester Goal: My goal for this semester is to maintain at least a 3.5 gpa. Maintaining a high gpa is very important because I must obtain multiple scholarships and programs that I am in. A lot of my scholarships require that I have a 3.0 gpa, but I want to make sure that I give myself room to next semester. To make sure that I get my a high gpa, I need to make sure that I complete and put time into all my necessary time into my big grade assignments. I need to finish a lot of Research and then write my papers.

2020-2021 Year Goal: My overall goal is just to have a good gpa. With the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of opportunities and the normal college experience was not possible. Due to the pandemic, I stayed home for fall semester and will most likely be staying home for the spring semester. So with so little other available my goal is just to get a good start off to college by setting a good gpa. I will start be creating a good gpa in the fall semester, then following with a good spring semester.

Undergraduate Study Goal:My overall goal for my undergraduate career is to set myself up for a career. Through the knowledge that I learn from the university and the opportunities that gain in and outside the univeristy, I hope that once I graduate I will be able to seek employment. With the major that I have chosen, I will should be able to gain employment with simply my undergraduate degree. So I want to gain enough experience so that I can enter a job and be a valuable member of the company.