
I have a wide array of GOALS for the future, and Honors and Scholars is going to be Instrumental in helping me achieve those goals. I have the aspiration of studying abroad which is definitely in the category of Global Awareness, but I would do so with the intention of broadening my political knowledge of other countries, being in the Politics, Society, and Law Scholars program. I For academic Enrichment I would like to shadow a lawyer, or clerk for a judge/ attorney in the hopes of gaining legal knowledge and solidifying what I hope to be my future career. In terms of leadership development, I hope to be a part of the PSL Executive Board and be a significant part of what makes the scholars program run so smoothly, as well as cultivate leadership skills I know to be instrumental to me in the future in my career as a lawyer or a judge. For original inquiry, I am currently unsure as to what I would choose to do, but I hope to be a part of research about policymaking. My favorite one thus far is service engagement. I have an avid love for community service and hope to volunteer at a legal aid society, or simple homeless shelters or food banks. All my goals will be fostered and developed through my time in PSL.