The end of the didactic summer semester is here … The OPT IVs are acclimating to their first extern rotations while simultaneously studying for and taking NBEO Part 1 (seriously, you are amazing!). Our OPT IIIs are taking final exams while they pass into their second month of seeing patients (we are so proud of how well you have transitioned to being in clinic and class at the same time during COVID-19! Wow!). The OPT IIs are preparing to begin Keystone (we have missed you!). Finally, our soon-to-be OPT Is are eagerly awaiting the start of their optometry school journey (we are so excited to have you here!). Wherever you find yourself today, take a moment to appreciate it for all that it is (exciting, hard, scary, stressful, joyous). You can do this! How do we know? Because you are doing this right now!
Summer Edition
Check out the Wellness Center!
The Student Life Student Wellness Center serves to promote student success through a holistic wellness model. The Student Wellness Center embraces the 9 Dimensions of Wellness and incorporates these dimensions into all services and outreach. The Student Wellness Center offers free and confidential services to support all Ohio State students. Services include Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Services, Collegiate Recovery Community, Nutrition Coaching, Financial Coaching, Wellness Coaching, Buckeye Food Alliance, the Peer Access Line and the Wellness Ambassadors. Please visit to learn more about our services and programs and to schedule an appointment or presentation.
News from the Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. Delgado-Nixon
We have had several exciting diversity and inclusion events in the last couple of weeks. OPT III and OPT IV students completed mandatory implicit bias training, and we welcome any questions or follow-up comments. We completed IDOC (July 13, 16, 20, and 23), which is a program to increase diversity in optometry. Jen Bennett, Shawn Gilbert, and I had been excitedly anticipating this year’s program, and I am happy to report that it went extremely well. There is a lot of good energy in this group of 39 perspective students and I am grateful for the college’s support in these important recruitment efforts. We also completed our book club discussions with both students as well as faculty/staff on “So You Want to Talk About Race” by Ijeoma Oluo. If you haven’t read the book, it is not too late! The students who participated would like another opportunity to discuss the book later this fall. I will be in touch later with more details. I hope that this was just the first of many opportunities to learn together and engage in dialogue about race, diversity, inclusion and social justice.
Safe and Healthy Buckeyes Website
To assist students, faculty, staff and visitors who are coming to campus, or plan to shortly, the university has created the Safe and Healthy Buckeyes website. The site includes information and details related to physical distancing, campus readiness, classrooms, workspaces, housing, dining, personal protection and hygiene, mental health and wellness resources, travel and several other areas. The university will continue to evaluate recommendations from various committees and work groups based on evolving conditions, and the site will reflect any updates.
CarmenZoom Will Require Passcodes After July 30
In an effort to increase security and privacy for the Ohio State community, all CarmenZoom meetings will require a passcode beginning July 30, and the change will prevent users from turning off the passcode going forward. If you used the default settings to create a meeting after May 5, the passcode will be embedded in your meeting link. For meetings scheduled prior to May 5 or those for which you turned off the passcode option, you will need to take action. IT@OSU has published options for ensuring your meeting is secure and runs smoothly after July 30.
July 26 Marked the 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
“On July 26, 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law; this landmark civil rights law affirmed the inherent dignity of every person, regardless of disability. This sweeping legislation protects prohibits discrimination by local and state governments, provides standards for privately owned businesses and commercial facilities, against discrimination in the workplace, and ensures equal access to healthcare, social services, transportation, and telecommunications.” (copied directly from To learn more about the ADA as well as its specific impact on access to healthcare, visit
Reminder: How to Contact the Student Services Team
Jen Bennett, Shawn Gilbert, and Becca Roby continue to work remotely until further notice, and we are available for all of your student service needs. You can reach us via e-mail or phone. We can also set up Zoom meetings if you would like to talk in person. Contact us with questions or if you just need to talk. Don’t know who to ask? Start here!
Jen Bennett, 614-292-2973,
Shawn Gilbert, 614-247-6426,
Becca Roby, 614-292-0497,
Reminder: Counseling and Mental Health Resources
Dr. Shawn Levstek continues to work remotely until further notice and remains available as a consultative resource. He will be offering initial meetings by phone with new clients and follow up consultations via Zoom to new and existing clients, as needed, as long as normal operations are suspended. All students with questions or concerns can contact Dr. Levstek directly via e-mail at In addition, OSUs Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS) number, 614-292-5766, will be available for crisis or urgent support, 24/7.
COVID-19 Resources
Stay up to date with the latest college, campus and community updates.
Safe and Healthy Buckeyes:
OSU Updates:
College of Optometry Resources:
Keep Learning:
Office of Student Life Updates:
State of Ohio:
City of Columbus:
Welcome to the first-ever summer edition of The Snellen Letter
Given that didactic classes are online for the summer and faculty/staff continue to work remotely, staying in touch is more important than ever. Therefore, it is time to require The Snellen to work over the summer months. As clinic operations resume this week and our OPT IVs venture out on their first extern rotations, most of us are all still working through the discomfort of uncertainty and change. This is a process and it is both normal and OK to feel anxious, out of sorts, or lacking in motivation. Go easy on yourself – you don’t need to be perfect, “normal” may need to be re-imagined, not all plans need to be made today, feel all the feelings, breathe, talk it out, and find ways to connect to hope and joy. Finally, reach out if you need help – we are here for you! See below for other resources that can help you navigate COVID-19.