Zachary Thomas Smotzer
Current Address: 1066 W Lane Ave Columbus Ohio 43210
Phone: (330)-318-2937 Email:
Objective: To obtain a degree in chemistry and to pursue a career in the health professions
Education: | |
STEM scholars at Ohio State, 2015-present (approximately 1-2 hours per week)
- Efficiently worked with team members to develop projects in Experimental Development groups
- Presented projects to students in a professional and educational manner
- Participated in STEM flag football, and will be part of the STEM basketball team
Link Crew Leaders, 2014-2015 (High school, 3, hour long meetings per month)
- Responsible for the planning of freshman activities
- Dependable resource for any of my ‘crew’s’ needs
Boardman Varsity Soccer, 2012-2015 (High school, 12 hours per week during season, 3 hours per week during off season)
- Lead team as a captain senior year
- Worked effectively as a team with other varsity players
Emerging Leaders Officer, 2014-2015 (High school, 1 hour per week)
- Designed service projects for the club to participate in
- Ensured smooth, successful events
Pharmacy Club at Ohio State, 2015-present (3, 1 hour meetings per week)
- Networked with outstanding people currently in the pharmacy field
Work/Volunteer Experience:
STEM Scholars Leadership Council, 2016-present
- Worked with other Leadership Committee members to enrich the STEM scholars program
- Planned events for scholar’s members to attend
YMCA Lifeguard, 2014-2015
- Entrusted with the lives of multiple person
- Worked in conjunction with other lifeguards to maintain a safe environment
Link Crew Carwash (for funding club) , 2014
- Carefully assisted the other Link Crew Members to work together to provide the most optimal, efficient car wash for our customers
- Responsible for reliably washing the cars
Skills/Critical reflection:
Leadership: Developed leadership skills through sports programs and various executive club positions, most notably the STEM EE scholars Leadership Council. This has helped me grow as a leader, and learn from older STEM leaders. This experience will certainly carry over to other aspects of my professional career as any career requires a certain degree of leadership. Being part of pharmacy club has taught me the value of networking and hearing what current members of the field have to say about the job. Furthermore, knowing when to listen is invaluable.
Planning: Being part the Large Scale Events Coordinator has developed planning skills as well as communication skills with other members. This skill can be transferred to other clubs, and even future employment prospects.
Voted to the Senior Representative position for the Boardman Symphony orchestra
Academic Award for Boardman Boy’s Soccer, 2013-2015
National Superior Ratings for Symphony Orchestra, 2011-2015
State Superior Ratings for Symphony Orchestra, 2011-2015
Boardman Scholastic Soccer Coaches Association Academic Excellence Award, 2015
All American Conference Second Team, 2015
Most Valuable Offensive Player, 2015