The Ohio State University: Wexner Medical Center

Publications and Presentations


  • Hanna Labiner, Kelli Sas, Nick Wolf, Emma Perez, Carrie Sims. Oral Presentation: SIRT1 Deletion Exacerbates Pneumonia. AAST Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2023.
  • Hanna Labiner, Kelli Sas, Carrie Sims. Oral Presentation: SIRT3 Deletion Promotes Inflammation and Mortality in Polymicrobial Sepsis. Surgical Infection Society Meeting, Westlake, CA, 2023.
  • Labiner HE, Sas KM, Baur JA, Sims CA. Sirtuin 1 deletion increases inflammation and mortality in sepsis. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. Nov 2022.
  • Oppenheimer-Velez M, Sims C, Labiner H, Baxter N, Kozar R, McCoy J, Sanfey H, Litle V, Klingensmith M, Pories S. Women Empowering Women: Assessing the American College of Surgeons Women in Surgery Committee Mentorship Program. J Am Coll Surg. Aug 2022.
  • Hanna Labiner, Kelli Sas, Joseph Baur, Carrie Sims. Oral Presentation: Give Me Sirtuins or Give Me Death: SIRT1 Deletion Increases Mortality in Sepsis. EAST Annual Scientific Assembly. Austin, TX, 2022.
  • Hanna Labiner, Kelli Sas, Joseph Baur, Carrie Sims. Oral Presentation: SIRT3 Deletion Increases Inflammation and Mortality in Sepsis. Annual Conference on Shock. Portland, OR, 2021.
  • Sims CA, Labiner HE, Shah SS, Baur JA. Longevity pathways in stress resistance: targeting NAD and sirtuins to treat the pathophysiology of hemorrhagic shock. Geroscience. 2021 Jun;43(3):1217-1228. doi: 10.1007/s11357-020-00311-z. Epub 2021 Jan 18. PMID: 33462707; PMCID: PMC8190251.
  • Marianna Oppenheimer-Velez, Hanna Labiner, Jacee Mccoy, Kelli Sas, Carrie A Sims. Silent No More: Intimate Partner Violence and Our Surgical Colleagues. Bulletin American College of Surgeons. Oct 2020. 105(6):14-20.