
My group and I went to Kafe Kerouac on Sunday, October 28, and hung out for a bit. My favorite part of going there was that it was comfortable and calming place where I would be able to study if I needed an environment change. I also liked how there were board games and puzzles off to the side so if I wanted to go there just to relax there would be some games to play or puzzles to complete. My least favorite part of the Kafe was that it was pretty small so if I go there to study it might be full. What I learned from this experience is that there are places to go to get out of the regular campus busyness not too far off of campus. I will definitely think about going back to study for exams or other tests and I think that I would also recommend it to a friend because it is a good place to be able to focus and relax.

David Joseph and I went to short north and ate pizza from Mikey’s Late Night Slice on November, 26. The pizza that he had there was absolutely amazing and I would definitely considering going there again. The only problem with Mikey’s Late Night Slice is that there is no inside seating at all. David and I did not realize this when we went and so we were freezing when we are our pizza but it was still worth it because of how good the pizza was. This is a place that I would recommend to my friends because the pizza was so good, but I would say that they should go when it is warmer out because of the seating situation. Overall I enjoyed my experience because it was not too far of a bus ride off of campus and even though I was so cold the pizza was extremely good and made up for it.