
My first artifact is playing baseball. I played baseball from when I was around 5 years old all the way through high school. In high school I was the shortstop and best pitcher for our school and I had a blast being the leader of the team. I also played baseball every summer and I made so many new friendships from being with my teammates every weekend. Baseball has taught me so many different things including how to stay mentally positive and how to be a competitor. Baseball has been such an important part of my life that I have known every since I was a little kid.

My second artifact that represents who I am as a person from this autumn semester is Design For 90. I joined the Design for 90 club because I was very excited with their mission and how they help people that are underserved by engineering for them. Being in Design For 90 is something that I really enjoy because it combines two of my passions, engineering and helping others. Currently I am on a project team that is looking at a new way to create energy that is helpful to the environment instead of harmful so that we will be able to live on a healthy planet for a much longer time than we would at the rate we are going. I am very excited about this project because dealing with renewable and clean energy is something that I would like to do as a career later in my life.