About Me

My name is Ken Sherick and I am a Mechanical Engineering student at The Ohio State University. I went to Kettering Fairmont High School in Kettering, Ohio and played baseball as well as serving on the school class council. I am in Humanitarian Engineering Scholars and I play intramural sports here at Ohio State. I am interested in engineering and creating clean energy.


  1. Connectedness – The connectedness strength says that people with this trait believe in the links between all things. I would say that this is very fitting as my number 1 strength because I very much agree in believing that everything happens for a reason.
  2. Competition – According to this poll a person with the competitive trait “strives to win first place and revel in contests.” I am almost surprised that competition is not my first trait because I am always looking to be the best at whatever I do no matter if it is school, sports, or competition with my friends.
  3. Futuristic – Futuristic is a trait that is very fitting for me because as an engineer I am always looking ahead at how to make things better and more efficient for the future.
  4. Individualization – I would say that individualization is a good trait to describe me because when I work in a group I like to be the group leader because I feel like I like am able to make the group run efficiently.
  5. Deliberative – Being deliberative is described as the ” serious care they take in making decisions or choices. They anticipate the obstacles.” This describes me very well because I always think out my decisions and think about the impacts it could have on the future.