Keeping up with the readings during a course is very important. From the readings, you will be able to better understand the material as well as keep up to date with what is being taught in class. I know that it can be sort of difficult to keep up, but thats where motivation comes into place. This class has been a good reminder for me that motivation is key in your success during college. I would actually say that motivation could be the most important skill to have.
Month: November 2019
Tools I use for learning
There are so many tools that people don’t utilize when learning material from the internet. From my time during this class, I have learned that when trying to understand material, taking online notes and using videos from youtube and other websites can really make me understand material as well as gathering other points of views from other people at the same time. Also, I recommend staying in good contact with your professor via email over the semester. Communication is key.
Take away’s from class
From my time in this class, I have learned better ways of learning and studying material. In many ways that will pertain to specifically me. I feel like I can take the studying skills that I have learned from this class and apply it to my future college endeavors. I have learned that the best way that I study is by electronically studying. For some reason, the material just clicks better to me whenever I am using a laptop or tablet. I hope to continue learning this way in the future!
Time Reflection
It’s good to stay on a schedule, and I hope that throughout this course I can stick to a daily schedule to help me get my work done in a timely less stressful manor.
From this course so far, I believe motivation can be a big factor in whether you do well in school or not. You cannot study and comprehend the material if you are not motivated to do so. Also being responsible and having self discipline is a big factor that this course has helped me get.
I hope to become more proficient with technology during my time in this course. I am sort of good at using excel, but I am no expert. Hopefully I can learn new ways of note taking and online learning so I can better myself as a student.
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