Sophomore Year in Review


  1. Global Awareness:

To develop my Global Awareness, I have planned course work that incorporates inclusive, global perspectives. I have taken an honors cultural anthropology class (Anthropology 2202H) in which we discussed various cultures and forms of societies throughout the world. Through this class, I have further developed an appreciation for other cultures and the roles this recognition serves. Additionally, I hope to participate in a study abroad session to expand my global awareness. I plan to participate in the “Scientific Roots in Europe” program abroad during spring break of my junior year, in addition to taking the accompanying Biology 4798 course during the semester. Through this program, I hope to learn more about significant historical discoveries in science from a cultural perspective and gain a greater appreciation for the importance of diversity in both scientific and everyday settings.


  1. Original Inquiry:

Starting in the spring of my sophomore year, I began working in the prep lab for the Biochemistry 5621 course as a lab assistant for Dr. Richard Lease. This position has allowed me to gain exposure to laboratory practices and apply techniques I have learned about in my biochemistry courses. I plan to remain involved as a lab prep assistant for this course during my time at Ohio State. Beginning in the summer of 2019, I will be involved in Dr. Hua Zhu’s research lab. In his lab, I will study genetic cardiovascular diseases and the effects of plasma membrane injury and repair on such conditions. I will continue my involvement in Dr. Zhu’s lab throughout my undergraduate career at Ohio State. Through this experience, I hope to further confirm my interest in pursuing a career in medical research. In addition to these experiences, I plan to take the Biochemistry 4998H and 4999H course sequence during my junior and senior years. Through these courses and experiences, I hope to enhance my creative and analytical thinking skills and have the opportunity to apply course material to a research project.


  1. Academic Enrichment:

By submitting an Honors Contract, I have demonstrated a commitment to the goal of Academic Enrichment. Creating an Honors Contract demonstrates confidence in my pursuit of an honors degree and commitment to planning deliberate, challenging goals. My planned curriculum relates to my future aspirations. I hope to pursue a career in medical research, and I chose the biochemistry major because of its intensive and rigorous curriculum, which I know will help prepare me for pursuing such an educational path. I chose to pursue the Bachelor of Science degree since it incorporates additional biochemistry and lab courses which I believe will further prepare me for pursuing my educational goals after graduation. Additionally, I selected a variety of general education courses—such as Anthropology 2202H, Art History 3010H, and History 3708—to diversify my education and help expose me to a variety of viewpoints. My selections demonstrate a commitment to excellence since I have chosen rigorous course work which provides a challenging environment and insightful perspectives.


  1. Leadership Development:

In addition to being an active member of the Running Club at Ohio State, I am involved in the Ohio House of Science and Engineering along with the Wonders of Our World (WOW) elementary outreach program. Through the latter programs, I travel to elementary schools in Columbus with a group of students, and I lead an interactive science demonstration which the elementary students rotate through. My involvement in these programs contributes to my development as a leader and is applicable to my career goals. I hope to pursue a career in medical research—a career to which I will apply my experience in outreach and exciting others about science and the remarkable discoveries it can yield. Through my current and continued involvement in outreach programs, I hope to further develop leadership skills that will be applicable to my career and personal life.


  1. Service Engagement:

As a member of the Choose Ohio First (COF) Program, I participate in the Wonders of Our World (WOW) science outreach program. I attend weekly visits to local elementary schools along with other COF Scholars, and I lead individual experiments or demonstrations to groups of elementary students. We encourage the students to ask questions about paths to college, pursuing science degrees, and their future career interests. Additionally, I volunteer in the Emergency Department at the Wexner Medical Center. In this activity, I guide visitors to patient rooms, and I help assure patients in the waiting area are comfortable. I plan to remain engaged with the community by continuing my involvement in both service activities throughout the remainder of my undergraduate education and my further schooling. During my professional career, I plan to continue my involvement in outreach and my committed service to the community.

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