Esepsy Blog: Technology is the Future

It is no doubt that when the pandemic hit in 2020, the whole world went through a major upheaval. We learnt to adapt a new routine for ourselves where everything we did in-person shifted on an online platform. This abrupt change forced people to get better acquainted with technology, and it proved that eventually everyone has to adapt to technological resources because, whether one likes it or not, technology is the future. 

Increasingly, people have started creating companies that are based online, financial transactions are conducted online, and even courses are taken online which covers a portion of the entrepreneurial, financial, and educational industries. Since the world is transforming in this way, I believe that it is extremely essential for people to get comfortable with technology professionally. I like to think of it as a skill. One of the topics covered in our module this week is includes the concept of netiquette. Needless to say, in a professional setting one must follow the punctilios of workplace decorum but it is important to note that it is done differently on an online platform than in-person. It not only involves taking precautions like not using all capitals while drafting messages but also the format in which one does so. This can be in the form of group messages, emails, blog posts, etc. 

I am grateful to be able to learn these strategies at an undergraduate level so I can implement them in the professional world. 

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