My First Semester at The Ohio State University

This semester has not been easy for me. I have learned more about myself in the last 16 weeks, that I have the last 19 years of my life. From learning how to accept that there are many things that you cannot change, to understanding that we all grow up and become independent. Above all else, however, I have learned that there is nothing wrong with beginning again and making a second attempt at succeeding. There are always obstacles that stand in our way of success and triumph. It is what we do to overcome this obstacles that define us. This semester has been an obstacle. One that I am not going to get through unscathed, however, I will survive. I will continue to fight all the way up until graduation, and then I will do the same throughout Medical School. This semester has taught me that it is never okay to give up completely, and that there are people supporting all of us, even when we feel we are alone.