We Speak For The Trees

We speak for the trees because someone has to. Speaking of trees, there are two workshops coming soon that are for anyone who loves trees.

September 25

Selecting Trees and Shrubs for Landscaping

This workshop will focus on making better woody plant selections for the long term. Including indoor and outdoor sessions. Perfect for landscapers, arborists and all plant lovers!

Registration Form

October 18

Why Trees Matter Forum

Come share with fellow tree people and co-horts. Why trees matter: aesthetically, economically, environmentally and socially. Trees – to your health!


“Parvis e glandibus quercus.”

Think Spring

Close your eyes for a second and imagine…on second thought don’t do that because you won’t know when to open them.

Imagine it is Febraury 4, after six weeks the clouds of Northeast Ohio have broken and it is sunny. It also happens to be the first day temperatures have risen to 65 degrees. Forget spring, summer is here! At least it seems like it for us. If you are like so many good northeast Ohioans, you make it a point to go outside on days like this. As gardeners we like to look around at our plants.

It is at this point that you notice something. You notice something that wasn’t in your garden in the fall (or so you thought). You see weeds! You gasp and exclaim, “where did all these come from!?” That is a great question and is one that we get regularly in the spring.

I am no weed expert by any means. I have learned some things over the years and have studied how to best control weeds in a landscape setting to better manage our collections at Secrest. However, I do know that winter annuals are starting to appear now. Just last night I found hairy bittercress, mouse ear chickweed, and annual bluegrass in my own landscape.

Winter annuals are starting to germinate and will continue to do so through the fall. This means that if you want to get good control of winter annuals you need to start now. If you wait until that first warm day in February to do something about them it can be too late. According to the University of Tennessee Extension, “Control measures implemented in the fall are often more effective than those applied in the spring once flowering has initiated.”

Start managing the weeds now. We are doing this at Secrest. Application of a pre and post emergent herbicide can give you good control into the late fall. Also, hand pulling is also effective this time of year. If you start now you can save yourself the surprise and additional work in the spring.

Hairy bittercress, annual bluegrass, and mouse ear chickweed. 8.24.17 in the Snyder landscape.


Happy gardening!




Pollinator garden volunteers needed: Wednesday in Wooster, Thursday in Orrville

Volunteers are needed on Wednesday 8/9 in the Stinner Garden on the OARDC campus and on Thursday 8/10 at the Smuckers Store to help tend the pollinator gardens. Both sessions are from 10AM to Noon. You’re sure to learn a few new bees in the process! See prior posts for maps and addresses. Please call Denise if you have any questions: 330 495 1284. Hope to see you there!

Volunteer Opportunity

Do you like prairie plants? What about plant propagation? If you like either one of those things then this project might be for you!

Wooster Memorial Park is looking for volunteers who would be interested in collecting seeds from prairie plants to help replant an area after a construction project.

I addition, the park is looking for someone or a team of people to develop interpretive signage about natural areas and ecosystems.

This is a project that can be done on evenings or weekends and begins immediately. You can sign up for it in the VMS  or by contacting Paul Snyder.