About Us

Who We Are

The Master Gardener Volunteer Program at Secrest Arboretum started in 2016 after the program had disappeared from Wayne County for about a decade. Since 2016 more than 100 individuals have completed the training. The program at Secrest Arboretum is unique in that it is situated on the OSU Wooster Campus, allowing access to the foremost agricultural research. Unlike most county programs, where the Extension Educator may do most of the teaching, the program at Secrest affords the opportunity for specialists to serve as teachers. The program is led by Paul Snyder.

Paul Snyder, Operations Manager

What We Do

Secrest Master Gardeners are actively involved in the community, serving in projects such as:

  • Master Gardener Research Line
  • Secrest Arboretum and Gardens
  • Wayne County Fair Grounds
  • Children’s Programming
  • A Whole Community
  • Community Gardens
  • Adult Education
  • Much more!

Volunteer plant flowers at Secrest Arboretum.

How You Can Be Involved

You join our dedicated community of volunteers in making a difference in our community. Training takes place once per year (March through May). Applications are accepted in October. Fill out the form below to be notified when applications are being accepted.

Yes, send me an application!