This year definitely went by the fastest of my three so far. As a junior, I:
- Served as a Resident Advisor for Paterson Hall (my fave programs included Hot Pot, pumpkin painting, and a waste-free wellness event where we made earth-friendly beauty products!)
- Cheered for the Buckeyes at the TTUN game with my family!
- Attended the Rose Bowl and kicked off the new year in California with my best friends
- Declared a minor in History
- Danced for twelve hours at BuckeyeThon
- Was selected for the Columbus Foundation Summer Fellowship at the Grange Insurance Audubon Center
- Began volunteering at a Columbus Metropolitan Library
- Walked dogs, played with cats, and helped out at the Greenville Humane Society in South Carolina on a Buck-i-Serv trip
- Registered for a Hot Air Ballooning Class next fall!
- Completed three years on the Dean’s List