
As my first two years have come to an end at Ohio State, I realize how much I have grown and learned. I got involved in undergraduate research, handling with 4 Paws for Ability, working at the Childcare Center, challenging myself in classes, and so much more. In my next two years here, I would love to continue doing all of these things. My goal is to do more volunteer work through a crisis center and also be more involved in the clubs I am in. I am always aiming to improve my grades and learn new study techniques, too. I have loved every minute of my first two years, and can’t wait to see what the next two hold for me!


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In my second year, I started working at the Ohio State Child Care Center. I also participated in undergraduate research in the college of evolution and ecology.


One of my goals is to become a genetic counselor. I want to influence the lives of others while also being engaged in new science in technology. My AP Biology course is where I first learned of this career. My teacher explained what it was like and told us about her friend who is in the same scholars program as me and is now a genetic counselor at Cincinnati Children’s hospital! This inspired me to follow her footsteps. When I think about my future and what I want to do, this is what sparked my interest.


I have started volunteering with 4 Paws for Ability again since I have been here at Ohio State. My favorite part about the organization is the feeling of accomplishment and happiness when you get to see the dog you have trained change the lives of another family. Watching their lives transform is an incredible experience and that feeling keeps me going and pushes me through every failure and mistake I come across with the dog. I plan on continuing to be apart of this organization for as long as I possibly can.



This semester, I became a full time handler through 4 Paws for Ability. My foster, Beetle, moved into my dorm with me after spring break. I took him everywhere with me, including classes, so that he could get socialization experience. Although it was challenging to have a dog in my dorm, keep my grades up, and still be involved with other activities while having beetle, it was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. I plan to continue doing this throughout my time at Ohio State and after I leave.


Child Care Center - Campus Map - The Ohio State University

I started working at the Ohio State University Childcare Center in January 2020. This has been, by far, my favorite job that I have ever had. I love working with little kids and it is so exciting for me to be able to help and watch them grow and learn. I hope to be a pediatric genetic counselor, and having this job reassured me that I really do love working with children and would love to keep doing it in the future. Working with small children definitely has its struggles, but I learned so much about myself and the children while I was working.

About Me

Hello! I’m Erin Schuster and my major is molecular genetics. I am also pursuing a minor in psychology. I hope to be a genetic counselor. My passions have always involved science and helping my community, so I think that I will thrive in the career path that I chose because of how involved it is with what I enjoy doing.

Aside from science, I enjoy staying active, spending time with my family and friends, and exploring the outdoors. In my other free time I foster service dogs through 4 Paws for Ability. Some of the dogs I have fostered have changed my life and I hope to continue to work with that organization through my college career and into my future.


In my E-Portfolio you will find my goals, passions, and memories. I have posted photos relating to what’s most important in my life, and explained my goals and why I am trying to meet them. Each semester I have spent at Ohio State is summarized and documented so that I can look back and see how much I have grown and accomplished.



Vision and Statement of Action: 

My goal is to become a genetic counselor. In my two remaining years at OSU, I plan on staying involved with research and continuing to work at the child care center. I am also always working to improve my grades and build new relationships with peers and professors. I am excited for my time remaining on campus, and hope to make the best of it and fulfil my potential.


Year in review

First Semester:

These first couple of months at Ohio State have taught me many things. I have not only learned more in my classes, I have learned more about myself. I have pushed myself to take as many classes as possible, and I have definitely struggled some. I have pushed myself to join new organizations and clubs, and I have met many new people. I have learned new study habits and time management skills that will help me in the long run. Being at Ohio State has introduced me to new cultures, ideas, and experiences that I wouldn’t have been able to be apart of anywhere else. These reflections are important because they help me to take a step back and realize how much I have changed and how much room I still have to grow before I graduate.


Second Semester:

This semester of school brought many new and exciting things into my life. I made lifelong friends through BioSci Scholars, and even went on a trip to Hocking Hills with them over spring break! We got to experience the beautiful scenery together and spend time getting to know each other with no phones and no homework. I am grateful for this program for giving me the friends and connections that have helped me get through this semester.

Aside from the trip I took, I also learned a lot. I learned more about myself and what I want my future to look like. I had classes that challenged me and made me learn new ways to study. These classes pushed me to become a better student and helped me become more involved with my peers.

I am sad that my first year at Ohio State is over, but I am incredibly excited to see what the next years have in store for me.



  • Global Awareness: Being globally aware means that you are actively learning about different places and cultures. Students should strive to get involved with diverse groups and expand their horizons.
    • In February of 2017, I went on a mission trip to Monterrey, Mexico. During this trip, we visited orphanages and spent time learning about the children there and how the community worked. We learned how to care for and give attention to these children through lessons on trauma competent care. Since they had been through significant trauma in their lives, they required special emotional care. I learned a lot about the culture of Monterrey and also the culture of these orphaned children and how their lives were impacted. I would like to eventually go on another trip and learn about even more cultures and perspectives!
  • Original Inquiry: Original inquiry means that students are going beyond the classroom to learn more about themselves and the world.
    •  I am currently in a molecular genetics class focused on learning about research in the major and career possibilities. After being apart of this class, I am planning on getting involved with research by the end of my first year. I hope to research cancer and develop a better understanding of how genetics work in the human body.
  • Academic Enrichment: Students strive to be the best. They go above and beyond in classes and outside of classes to acquire more knowledge.
    • I am involved in undergraduate research in the college of evolution and ecology. I studied crickets and their ability to reproduce under different conditions.
  • Leadership Development: Students are leaders in every environment they are in. They stand out as somebody who can take control and make good decisions. Students also get involved with activities that will help them become better leaders.
  • Service Engagement: Students at OSU do community service in order to become more involved in the community. Doing community service helps students gain new perspectives and interact with people that they usually wouldn’t.
    • I volunteer at 4 Paws for Ability and I have fostered 2 full time dogs. These dogs are in training to be service dogs, so my job is to socialize them and teach them basic commands so that they are as ready as possible to get placed with a child. Throughout high school, I fostered two dogs, and now that I am away at OSU, I am a puppy sitter. This job entails taking care of the future service dogs and reinforcing good behavior while their full-time handlers are out doing other things. 4 Paws is a huge part of my life, and I plan on continuing to volunteer for the organization as long as I possibly can. It is so rewarding to see your foster dog get placed with a child that has disabilities, and to watch their life change because of their new dog.

Scholars Events

Before the football game, there was a tailgate hosted for the scholars programs on north campus. At this event, we got to eat pancakes, play cornhole, and socialize with our peers from our own, and other scholars programs. It was exciting to see everyone together and to learn about the other programs from new friends that lived near us!


During Second semester, I attended many study sessions. I enjoy these study sessions because they are conveniently in the lobby of my dorm and it is always more fun to study for chemistry midterms with friends! I love learning by working with my peers and collaborating to understand complicated ideas.