I am originally from Itasca, Illinois, a small northwest suburb of Chicago. I attended Washington Elementary School and Peacock Junior High School, followed by Lake Park High School in Roselle, Illinois. While growing up I swam on the Itasca Dolphins Swim Team every summer, and in high school I played bass clarinet in the LPHS Marching Band. I also played the piano, the oboe, won spelling bees and math contests, and received a National Merit Scholarship.
I attended the Center for Talent Development (CTD) summer programs for four summers and my experiences there had a profound effect on me. In college at Northwestern I served as a CTD residential counselor for the Spectrum program for three summers.
I currently reside in Bexley, Ohio, with my brilliant statistician husband, Jason, who competed in the Scripps National Spelling Bee at age 13. Our daughter, Charlotte, attends the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on a National Merit Scholarship and is a member of Honors Carolina and a senator in the Dialectic and Philanthropic Societies.
I am an unabashed cat lady. We have three cats: Ginny Weasley Sullivan, Clarice M. Starling Sullivan, and Beverly Marsh Sullivan.
My hobbies include swimming, karaoke, Sporcle live trivia, arts and crafts, and thrifting for vintage treasures. I also enjoy books and TV shows about forensic science and air crash investigation. In my free time I fantasize that it is still the 1980s.