Earth Month Reflection Week 4

For my third Earth Month Challenge week, I started using a thermos to carry coffee instead of buying coffee at cafes. This was an attempt to reduce my waste impact from coffee cups. In addition to this, I continued to use tupperware as well as a reusable water bottle.  This week has probably been the best week thus far, in regards to being aware of my challenge. For both the water bottle and tupperware, the only issues I faced were remembering to bring my water bottle and tupperware. When I forgot, I simply went without the disposable item, such as a bottle of water, and used a water fountain instead. For this week however, I remembered my thermos every single day.  This became a reflection upon myself: I really have a drive to drink coffee. I knew if I did not bring my thermos, I would not be able to drink coffee. Unlike simply walking to a water fountain or refusing to take home leftovers, forgetting my thermos did not possess a simple solution. I knew I needed my thermos in order to get coffee, and therefore my thermos came everywhere. I think this discovery is very important as I continue my Earth Month challenges, and my personal life as well. I need to find what drives me. I can then use that drive to better myself, or the world around me. Though this impact is small, my drive to drink coffee ensures I will not use disposable coffee cups. Imagining this on a larger scale holds infinite opportunities. So far, the thermos led to an additional 99 lbs. of annual carbon emission decrease, and though it isn’t stated on oreoeco, a mug refill costs less than a medium sized cup of coffee! My last challenge this week is using compost, and I look forward to completing it.

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