Additional Multimedia


Ice and dirt cover lift signage at MRM.


These are the pumps that control the snowmakers.


This is the lake MRM uses for their snowmaking pumps.


Lifts early in the morning.


Mad River Mountain.


Early bird skiers ride the lifts to begin their day.


A woman starts towards the lift to begin skiing.



A grandfather helps his grandson learn how to ski.


Skiers go off ramps on their rough course.


Skis and snowboards line the outer shell of the lodge.


A woman snowboards down the mountain.


A man in costume crosses the man-made pond during a competition event.


The lodge hosts a bar, filled with drink specials.


Light reflects off the many alcohol brand signs.


A group of snowboarders wait on the lift.


(Note: Tessa’s image). The inside of the cafeteria portion of the lodge.


(Note: Tessa’s image). Gloves are warmed by the fire.

Note: the last two images are Tessa’s (the inside of the Lodge and the fireplace). I did not have many inside of the lodge but since we talked about Lodge media, I thought I would show you that we did catch some.

Ski Lift from Brooke Sayre on Vimeo.

Behind the Scenes from Brooke Sayre on Vimeo.








Here are some of the graphics I created to represent some of the different areas around Mad River. We plan to insert them into our story with little snippets that we’ve captured.

Community Day = Focus on Editing Day

Today my group and I sifted through all of our media and began really putting everything together. I really sifted through my stuff to prepare for group editing on Wednesday and we also touched up some of our videos. I know that Kathleen is working on another ski video and I have some extra footage that I’m thinking of putting together.

We made sure our graphics were truly representative and picked out some of our favorite photos to showcase.

I’m really excited to finish up this project and to show everyone what we have been working on. My wish is that we will be able to express the Mad River Mountain community that we witnessed. It’s one of those things that is hard to articulate, but it was a feeling that we experienced. The familiarity of the patrons to the friendly nature of Greg, the manager. It seemed like they were one big family who came together during the cold, dreary winter months to warm up and have some fun. I’m really hoping that our videos and pictures can paint the picture in our reader’s minds while they read our story.

I really enjoyed our visits to Mad River Mountain… now all I have to do is learn how to ski!


UPDATE: I never posted this, I’m so sorry!

Journal Update

Today during class time, Kathleen, Tessa and I got our stuff together and started grinding on our Midterm rough draft!

Here are some of my thoughts while going through some of my media.

I would have to say one of my favorite things about being a fly on the wall t Mad River Mountain is I get to witness so many people at so many ages. I’ve gotten the chance to see children who are just a couple years old on skis to folks older than my parents just having a great time out with their friends.

The sweetest moment I’ve witnessed is a young boy whose grandfather took him to ski lessons.


Seeing this interaction just warmed my heart.

I took another photo of their skis because I thought it was sweet how small the boy’s were and how large his grandfather’s were. He had some big shoes to fill!



Another thing that I noticed (and loved visually) was how colorful all the equipment were – the coats, the boots, the skis, the snowboards, the goggles, everything was a bright, fun color! It completely contrasted with the snow and I got some really fantastic photos.


We have a lot of options that our group can work with graphically.

What I’m interested in seeing would be a timeline with milestones (the recession, when they added the tubing park, etc) correlating with the amount of season passes or lift tickets sold.

We discussed in class the idea of lift ticket sales with weather or the option of snow made vs. natural snow.

We want to include a general infographic with mountain statistics and maybe some facts on the amount of snow they’re able to make in an hour. We want to include small graphical elements that would be more interesting to see and visualize rather than just explaining it with words.


Immersion Day: Frozen Style

This morning Tessa and I put on 10 layers and ventured over to Mad River Mountain to get some media footage and to start our journey documenting the ski lodge. We left around 6:30 in the morning and got there 45 minutes later. It was one cold morning!

The sun was rising and we got some great morning shots. We followed a worker named Jon who was a supervisor. He showed us around the park. Tessa rode in a mountain grooming vehicle with a worker who had been around for 30+ years and had some great conversation with him.

I continued to walk around with Jon and watch him manage the starting of the lifts. We walked around and watched the workers clean off the seats and start checking the lifts to make sure they are safe.

Jon rides all the lifts every morning to watch and listen and make sure everything is going to work correctly for the day. I rode with him on the lifts. It was my first lift ride so I was actually terrified at first but once I got comfortable I got some really cool shots of the camera sitting on my lap as we went up and down the hill. I asked him a lot of questions and I would love to sit down and talk with him more another time.

Jon also showed me the machines that turn on the snowmakers. They have a spring pond that they drain to create snow. I liked getting to know the background work.

I really want to talk to Ski Patrol and get to know some of their stories and what it’s like – hopefully we will talk to them next time.

Today got me really excited and I’m starting to plan to cover the Big Air competition, which is a HUGE event. More to come! More to come!