Day 32 – June 30, 2015

Cows during the sunset

Cows during the sunset

Today was my first day back at Pasam in a couple of weeks. Having tea with Dr. Mas was nice as he explained how the nursing school was starting out and his thoughts on the status of the hospital. The nursing and technician students that are taking classes are able to get the education at a reduced rate and without having to travel far down the mountain. Many kids will not get an education past high school due to either the cost or the inability to travel very far. This limits their opportunity and in that case they would most likely end up doing daily labor for the rest of their lives. Like many of us already know, offering someone an education and skills to compete in the world is more valuable than any amount of money. The rest of the day I was able to work with the dentist at Pasam. She mostly performed extractions of decaying teeth due to the limited amount of brushing that goes on in many homes. Her approach to the patients is stern, yet very friendly. Looking into the patient relationship aspect of medicine, it is always interesting to see the different approaches that physicians take. She establishes her confidence and intelligence early in the session and carries on with her friendliness and positivity. Making a patient comfortable and confident in your work comes from a strong balance of emotion and intelligence. Without one of the two, a physician’s work may not be as much help to the patient as it could be. Thursday I will be teaching a session of English to the nursing students. The opportunity to get more involved is always appreciated. Until tomorrow, goodnight from Kodaikanal.

The densist's office

The densist’s office

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