Day 2 – May 31, 2015

Reservoir on the morning hike
The Reservoir through the Trees

This morning started with taking half a shower. I will definitely learn how to efficiently take a bucket bath in the next day or two. We went to church at a Catholic church in town. It was in English and very enjoyable. The mass was a lot more relaxed than the traditional church at home, but everyone was very kind and inviting. We have a group of four of us that will be going to church for the eight weeks we are here. We went on a hike through the woods up from the FIMRC center. The locals don’t like “outsiders” in that area because it is their drinking water, but we were able to go and when we walked far enough swim. The area is completely quiet, besides the constant honking that comes from the roads that are still relatively close. On the way back we saw monkeys climbing on all of the buildings through town. All the animals are very friendly with people. In town we went to the Tibet restaurant, and then went through the market to get vegetables for the house. The market was very bustling and I did not know much of what people were saying, but Arun said we could manage in English so I will have to check it out another time to buy my own goods. Tomorrow we start our work in the clinics.

Half of the team
Part of the Team

Monkey on the railings
Monkeys on the railing

Day 1 – May 30, 2015

FIMRC guesthouse and clinic
Our Home for the Next Two Months

Arriving in India was a slight mess, but not counting the bag not getting through to the Chennai airport and having to run through the Abu Dhabi and Chennai airports, the journey was not very difficult. We were picked up by a driver that without a doubt made it feel like we were in the India 500, just also through traffic, people, and of course the cows and goats. It took four hour from Coimbatore to Kodaikanal and the drive was spectacular. I rode on the back of Arun’s motorcycle which is always exciting. My first meal was Tibetan food and the second American; Arun is definitely just trying to get us acclimated before we dive right into the Indian food. He says this is the biggest group of volunteers he has ever had so it should be interesting to see how everything plays out in the next eight weeks. Everyone was pretty tired throughout the day, but we managed to get to know everyone and I feel like the group is going to be very close by the end of the time here. The day ended with going to the “hotel” room and realizing Alex and I will have to share a bed for the next couple weeks, the showers are bucket baths, and the toilets use a sprayer instead of toilet paper. Welcome to India.

Road sign for Kodaikanal
Road sign for Kodaikanal

வணக்கம் (Hello)

Hello from India,

As most of you know I will be working with FIMRC (The Foundation for the International Medical Relief of Children) on a medical volunteer trip in Kodaikanal, India. I will be here until the end of July and will be blogging about my time in the clinics and crèches, as well as about my adventures in India. I hope to gain experience in the clinical aspect, as well as an understanding for the healthcare systems in places with little resources.

Thanks for following my journey and I will be sure to keep you informed,


Kodaikanal in relation to India
Map of Kodaikanal in India