
I believe that by following the five sections of the GOALS, I will be able to make the most out of my OSU experience while preparing myself for a career. When making personal and academic choices, I will keep the GOALS in mind so that I will make the best decisions for my future. By doing this, I will set myself up for success and will enrich my time at OSU with valuable experiences both in and out of the classroom.
I will develop my global awareness both in my personal and academic life at OSU. I will strive to understand the backgrounds and opinions of all the people I get to know and will have an open mind when discussing ideas that challenge my world view. In my academic life, I will take classes to learn about different cultures and areas of the world. While I am unsure if I will study abroad or not, I will certainly take the opportunity if it is realistic for me and through it I will learn more about cultures outside of the United States.
I will fulfill the original inquiry section of the GOALS by talking to professors and getting to know them, so to create opportunities for myself to help them with their research. I will also consider doing my own research at some point during my four years at OSU. I believe that by doing my own research or by helping a professor with their research, I will be more prepared for my future career.
I plan on enriching my education by taking a variety of challenging classes, becoming involved with my major, and striving to do the best I can in each one of my classes. With my major, the activities I am and will become involved in, and the courses I am taking and plan to take, I will be well prepared for my goal of attending law school. My sociology major will help me to understand social issues that exist, which will give me a unique perspective on different topics I will learn about in and after college. I am selecting GE courses that will challenge me to think at a higher level and allow me to become a well rounded student. I believe that my rigorous curriculum will be appealing to law schools I will apply to because it will prove that I am committed to furthering my knowledge and show that I am prepared for the challenges of law school.
In the past, I have had some experience with leadership as the president of a club at my high school, but I look forward to adding to this experience in college. I have become involved with the Environmental Protection Student Association at OSU, which will give me opportunities to network and also become a leader in an area I am passionate about. I also plan on attending as many events related to my major and the pre-law program that the university offers. I hope to get an internship or job in an area related to my field of study so I can get real world experience.
I have always made service to the community a priority in my life, whether it be planning events to benefit my community or volunteering at the local library. I plan on finding similar service opportunities to participate in so I can help to improve the Columbus community. I have found that while learning about social issues in a classroom is very informative, the only way to grasp some kind of understanding of them is to see it first hand. Through my service to individuals facing hardships such as homelessness or food insecurity, I see how those issues truly affect real people and how important it is to help individuals get out of these situations. This is why I believe it is extremely important for me to participate in service during my time at OSU.