
It had been an absolute whirlwind of homework to do and assignments to complete since returning to Columbus, but I find myself stopping and thinking of Chile and it is making these hectic days all worthwhile.  Looking back on this trip also allows me to stop and enjoy my surroundings and experience life the way the Chileans do, with ease and little technological interference.  I have found myself putting down my phone more often and trying to interact more with the people around me.  When it comes to the overall experience of this trip I can easily sum up my feelings in one sentence: amazing time with amazing people.  Getting to experiences this new city with so many great people is what made this trip incredible.  I especially loved seeing all the bonds that were formed along the course of the trip, I even made friends with people in my major that I had never had the chance to meet before.  In terms of the study abroad portion of the trip, my favorite architectural site we visited was getting to see the innovation center in person and experiencing all the different levels.  I had highly anticipated seeing this building and it did not disappoint!  Overall it was an amazing trip, and I am so happy that I had the opportunity to experience it.

Innovation Center!!!!

Today was the day that I was most excited for because we got to visit the innovation center at Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. When we learned about this building in class I was so excited because it seemed like such an interesting building with a very unique design. What I most like about this building is the simplicity of the outside with the complexity of the inside. For example, the most complex part of the outside is the cantilever beams and the ambiguity of distinction between floor levels; however, the inside leads way to a complex and unique structure where each floor provides a different view and use for the building. My favorite part of the inside was walking to the center and looking up at the different levels and experiencing how each floor was made to be unique. I also found it very fun and informative to use the elevator to explore each new floor. Given that the elevator had an open glass atmosphere, it allowed one to experience the entire building by simply moving from space to space. Overall, it was a great experience and I am so happy I was able to see and visit it!

View of different floors in innovation center.


Drawing of different floors in innovation center.

Benedictine Monastery Las Condes

Yesterday was such a fun and jam-packed day! Between visiting the monastery, University Adolfo, Mestizo Lunch, Bicentenario Park, and Costanera Center Torre we didn’t seem to stop moving all day. I think my favorite activity from yesterday was visiting the monastery. I could not believe how peaceful and beautiful it was! I think what I enjoyed most about it was the atmosphere. From the moment you walked in, you could tell you were standing somewhere sacred. This was definitely a different experience for me in the sense that every place of worship I have ever visited before had been created and orchestrated in a traditional manner. It was very interesting to see a modern religious building and how the designer was able to incorporate the fundamental church attributes in a new and different way. I found it interesting the way that light was represented in the monetary. Anywhere there was non-natural light, it was represented in a circular or curved manner. I also especially liked the garden behind the monastery. There were such beautiful views of the Andes combined with very luscious green plants which made for a very peaceful and serene atmosphere. In all, I really enjoyed this experience and I cannot wait to experience more modern architecture!

First view of Alter.


Garden behind Monastery.

First Day Food

I was not sure what to expect with the food in Chile but after being here for a only a day, I can say I am very excited about what other food this city has in store! For lunch, per recommendation of our tour guide Sergio, I went to spot just down from our hotel and got the Viena Italiana as well as the Viena con queso. Both were amazing especially the Viena Italiana. You would not normally think to put avocado or mayo on a hotdog but somehow it worked really well and tasted even better.

After lunch when the group was at Cerro San Cristobal, I saw many people coming down with an interesting looking drink and thought I would give it a try. The drink called mote con huesillos was a sweet and refreshing way to end our time at Cerro San Cristobal. I thought it most tasted like a sweet syrup one might find associated with canned fruits. Finally, to end the day, I enjoyed some local cuisine at a place called La Mensajeria. Here, I had two different types of empanadas. One was mushroom with cheese and another was chicken with olives. Both were very tasty and if someone is looking for a place to eat this week I would highly recommend dining there!

Picture of  lunch of Viena Italiana and Viena con queso

Pre Departure-Kelsey

It is the day before departure and while there is still so much to do this evening in order to get ready for Chile, I am so very excited about the trip! I think I am most excited about being immersed in another culture and getting to enjoy new experiences.  With regard to the architectural sites that we are visiting, I am most excited about seeing and experiencing the innovation center. I really enjoyed learning about this building in class, and I am greatly looking forward to seeing it in person.  I also cannot wait to try new foods!

On my free day I am thinking about going and sampling wines at one of the local winery’s. I think this would be a unique and fun experience as well as a relaxing way to end what I’m sure will be a very busy and exciting trip. This will be the third time that I have traveled outside the country. With regard to concerns for this trip, my main concern is the language barrier present in Chile. Previously, I have only traveled to English-speaking countries and while it is somewhat of concern, I feel better knowing that I am in a group setting where some members speak fluent Spanish.

Kelsey’s Bio


Hi, my name is Kelsey Vandia. I am a fourth year Civil Engineering Major with a minor in Architecture and a minor in Business. I have lived in Ohio my entire life and am from a suburb just outside of Columbus called Dublin. My first time traveling outside of the United States was with Aimee and Troy back in 2014 on the London Study Abroad trip and since then I have also been to the Bahamas! I really enjoyed my first study abroad trip and was very eager to jump at the opportunity to travel to Santiago. What I am most looking forward to on this trip is studying a different style of architecture and enjoying all the Chilean food. I am a big foodie and love to explore and try new things! I have danced ballet as well as figure skated for most of my life and just recently got into running within the past year. My hope is to have run a half marathon by the end of this year! Some of my other hobbies include reading and crafting. I really enjoyed keeping a sketchbook in my first study abroad and cannot wait to further develop my sketching technique!