Post-Departure: So Glad I Went to Chile!

So I realized while I was at work how that I did not do my “post departure” yet, so here I am four hours later. I remembered because was telling the kids who I work with about my trip when it occurred to me. I essentially told the kids how amazing it was in Santiago. I went on about how the weather was perfect and how it was still summer there. Then after that I told them about the food and drinks, non-alcoholic of course. This trip was AMAZING! and definitely set a new standard for what I expect when I go to travel for here on out. Since I have gotten back home I have done nothing but rave about how study abroad trips are important for college students to go on. I really am grateful to have been given this opportunity to expand my world.

My study abroad family

It was really great hanging out with everyone there, I tried to talk to everyone I could in each “clique” and get to know them. From all this interaction I made new friends in different majors and different walks of life.


They kind of “forced” me here, but do I look sad about it?………….. NOPE!

Lastly, I have to thank Patricia and Paityn again because I do not think I would have went on this trip had they not “forced” me… I’m glad they did!

Travel Interview: Sergio

When I first thought of some of the activities I wanted to do in Santiago, speaking to a citizen of this amazing city was near the top of my list. I was curious to see what they thought of their hometown; what they thought of the U.S.; or what they even thought of us, as study abroad students. From what I have seen so far it seems like we have been recieving positive reactions from many of the locals. So after some searching I found a Chilean citizen to interview.  It turns out the person to talk to was none other than our tour guide Sergio. Below are 8 questions that I asked him on the ride back to Santiago from Valapraiso.

Q1: What is your full name?

A: Sergio Andres Molina Rodriguez

Q2: What is it you like about your job?

A: I like that it gives me the chance to practice my English, teaching people and also I do not have to be in an office.

Sergio speaking to OSU study abroad students about the murals of Valparaiso.

Q3: What do you like most about Santiago?

A: I like that Santiago is safe, clean and well connected to other cities. It is also very active so you are never bored. However, like most people, I do not like the winter. It is also cold and gray.

Q4: What is you favorite site in Santiago?

A: My favorite site is San Cristabol, it has a lot of activities.

Q5: If you could visit 3 U.S. cities where would you go?

A: I would go to Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City. Also now Ohio since I have met you all.

Q6: Is there any U.S. entertainment that you like?

A: I like to watch TruTV. The towing shows and Storage Wars are my favorite.

Q7: Did you attend college? If so, where and what did you study?

A: Yes, I attended UTEM. That is short for Metropolitan TEch University.

Q8: What has been your most memorable experience with OSU so far?

A: My most memorable moment with OSU would probably be meeting you all, your arrival from the airport. I also would have to say Plaza de Armas.


Size Does Not Matter

So today I saw how size does not matter when it comes to forms of amazement here in Santiago. To help justify this statement lets take a look at two examples starting with the smaller end of the scale. On our way to another campus of PUC we passed a house that had a privacy wall with purple and white flowers growing down it. Now I understand, just flowers; we have them in Ohio, however I have never seen a flower like this one before. After some research I discovered the name of the intriguing flower, it is a Passiflora × belotii. Also, to my amazement, I found out that there are similar flowers in the family that grow in Ohio. I believe this flower to be a prime example on the smaller end because as we passed by the house, there was a stop. Seems a number of students could not continue their walk without snapping a show of exotic plant. This obviously is something amazing and rare to us.


            Passiflora × belottii
       Found as far north as Ohio

My second example of scaled amazement would be the UC Innovation Center. This monolithic structure cannot help but bring attention to itself. Its the first building you see when walking from the train and last one on your mind when you go. The color and shape truly work to the building’s advantage. It is this hard gray giant that sits in the foreground of the Andes, and from some angles on the campus, looks like it is rising from the soft canopy made with the trees on campus. This just goes  to show how size is not necessary when it comes to being amused by Santiago

The Innovation Center of UC looking north



I knew coming on this trip that I wanted to try the local cuisine, but I did not think I would be this overwhelmed by it. Don’t get me wrong, when I say overwhelmed I mean it in a VERY good way! There are so many options that I just do not know where to start and definitely have not clue where I will end. For starters, there are ice cream shops everywhere. I walk down a street and see multiple signs for helado shops. I have yet to get a ice cream cone, but it is for sure on the list for Monday with a group of friends. Helado and churros; I plan on coming back a churro snub and complaining about how the churros in Scott do not compare. I really cannot pick a favorite spot yet, however there is a restaurant around the corner where the waiter offers great service. I am looking forward to eating at Mestizo because it looked “fancy” compared to that places that I have been so far. Very curious to see what the prices are like there as well. I have learned it does not cost much to feed yourself here and that is great for both my pockets and stomach. I just wish there was a Chilean store or restaurant in Columbus now.

Coming LIVE! From Gate B25!!!!

Hey everyone hope you all are as excited about this trip as I am! I have never done a study abroad trip so this is going to be a great experience. I also have never let the country before, so this definitely where 99% of  my excitement is coming from. Chile is going to be the escape from the unpredictable winter weather that is currently happening here in Ohio.  The trip is also like reward after the long week that I had. Before this trip I had a review in studio… killed it, a review in graphics…. thanks Troy, and a midterm for this morning for Jackie. Pretty sure after all of this a trip to anywhere is the world is warranted. Also, I have told them before but I have to thank my friends Patricia and Paityn. If it was not for them I probably would not have even went on this trip. From the beginning, Autumn 2016, they have been there for me. They kept me in my toes made sure that I was up-to-date on everything for this class.   At times, in my eyes, they were like older sisters; despite me being older than both of them. I know I don’t always show it but I am so grateful that they encouraged me to go on this trip.

Bryant’s Bio


Hey everyone!

My name is Bryant Phares II. I am currently a 2nd year Architecture major here at OSU. I was born and raised here in Columbus and since 10th grade have been taking classes at OSU. Both of my parents are from West Virginia and they grew up drown the street from each other. I have just one other sibling, a younger sister, who will be start college this semester at Columbus State Community College. Currently I work at the Milo-Grogan Boys and Girls Club with kids ranging in ages from 5 to 18, however mostly with 12 to 18 year olds. I enjoy my job a lot because it’s like being a kid again sometimes. Also working with the kids gives me this great feeling because I know I’m making a difference in their life.

I chose Architecture as my major because I love buildings. For as long a I can remember I have always had a fascination with buildings, mainly skyscrapers. I remember being in awe whenever I would travel through downtown as a kid. As I grew so did my interest in taller structures and more complex designs.

I am really looking forward to going to Chile because first and foremost, I have never left the country and can’t wait to finally travel abroad. While there I want to see what the culture is like. I am really excited about seeing the city and coming back home to tell my family about my travels.

Bryant’s selfie

img_3124I love Reese’s Cups!

2 truths and a lie

1. I am the eldest boy of a 100+ cousins

2. Besides Reese’s Cup, I love Mac ‘n Cheese

3. I was born on OSU’s campus