Adios Columbus

Time has surely flown by fast and can’t believe we are all about to hop on a plane to leave for Santiago, Chile. I am extremely excited to be experiencing this trip with everyone and even more excited for the weather because I heard its going to snow in Cbus while we are on the trip! I am most excited to learn about the Chilean culture because I love learning and trying new things of different cultures and some friends who I met from Colombia this past Summer are super excited for me to be going to their country! This trip will also be a great way for me to practice my 3 years of learning Spanish in high school, even though I already know I won’t do too too well at it. I think the only thing that I am semi frightened by is the airplane ride because even though I have flown before, there is always that tiny “what if” in the back of my mind. So I’ll definitely be praying for safe travels for all of us and to stay safe in Chile and watch out for one another. Other than that, I have started to pack a little bit (by a little bit I mean just got my suitcase out from under my bed) and am trying to get a lot of my online school work done before our travels. Super pumped for this trip and I already know this spring break will fly by fast, but it will be well worth it. See you guys on Thursday and then on Friday to Santiago!!!! Peace 🙂

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