Captains Log Stardate 03232017

The father and Daughter I was able to have an casual conversation with in Spanish

Getting back in the swing of things wasn’t too difficult , but coming back to the weather was. Right now I am really missing the 80 degree weather that we were enjoying down there. Friends and family have been asking me about the trip. “How was it?” “What was your favorite thing?” “Do the toilets flush the other way?”. Its hard for me to express just how amazing the trip was, because no one thing sticks out. For me, It was an all around fun, jammed packed week of adventure and learning. Everyday was amazing in its own way. But if I had to pin point the one thing I enjoyed most about the trip, I’d have to say it was trying to speak Spanish. I am by no means fluent, or frankly even good, at Spanish, but everyday was a challenge to have a conversation with someone. I got very good at asking how much things cost and numbers are easier to understand now. My proudest moment language wise was when we were waiting for the bus to take us to Vina del Mar, and I had an actual, real life, casual conversation with a father and his daughter- Francesca. He came over to our group and was asking where we were from so I answered! I said a lot of things wrong and 50% of the whole interaction hinged on hand gestures, but I did it, and I’m glad I did.

This trip made me more confident and more motivated to travel in the future and I look forward to the next chance I get.

Goodbye Chile! I hope to see you again.

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