
We’ve been back at school now for a couple of days. It’s very cold here. I really miss the warm weather. 

Saying that I enjoyed this trip would do a disservice to the trip. This trip was amazing. I was able to learn and experience so much in such a concentrated amount of time. The fact that the trip was only one week is amazing to me. 

In one week I climbed a mountain, saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time, visited 3 different colleges, saw the house of one of my favorite poets, went to the top of the tallest building, tried new foods every day, walked about a dozens of miles, and saw about a million dogs. 

I did everything on the trip that I wanted to do, plus more. 

I gained a much better perspective for the world and humanity through this trip. I learned what it’s like to be in a country where no one speaks your language. This was a new level outside of my comfort zone. 

My favorite part of the trip had to be the hike. I love the outdoors and I’ve never experienced any landscape like that. Every single view was beautiful. Being able to look down at a city was incredible. 

Another highlight was the trip to Valparaiso. I have never really experienced a city like that. I am used to very structured city’s with neat, cut up sections. This city seemed like a living thing. It moved strangely and creatively around its landscape. No two views from the city were the same. 

Ultimately, this trip was more that I could have hoped for. Now I am wondering where to go next.

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