“I have a heavy case of post-travel blues and how do I deal with it?”

This trip was one of the most amazing trips I have ever been on and I will never forget it. Although I was excited to come back to Ohio to see my friends and family and tell them about my travels to Chile, I miss waking up to the sun and 80 degree weather, trying new and delicious foods, and exploring and adventuring in Chile. Today I am feeling quite sad to be honest, so I searched the web to find out how others who have experienced post-travel depression dealt with it most effectively and here were the top and most common responses that I found:

  1. Ease into a Daily Routine: Slowly incorporating old habits from before you traveled with maybe some new ones that you developed while abroad can help eliminate that depression because the new habits will remind you of your travels and how you felt doing them. If possible, don’t rush quickly into this routine, do it slowly and take your time.
  2. Log your travels in a Creative Way: Perfect for us, we had to do a lot of sketching and write blog posts! I found that sketching in the spaces for me personally, was one of my favorite things we did because it forced me to look closely at detail and observe how the people interacted in the space. Creative outlets like sketching and blogging are helpful because it serves as a reminder of the feelings and emotions that we were experiencing at that time. We can easily look back on these if we are feeling sad and they can bring us joy.
  3. Travel in Your Own Backyard: Make new experiences at home by exploring Columbus and what is has to offer! Just like we were all adventurous in Chile, take that sense of adventure and try new things like restaurants, museums, parks, etc… Do things you normally wouldn’t do and be open-minded.
  4. Start Planning Your Next Trip: One of the most encouraging responses that I found. Look forward to a trip in the future and start saving for it! You’ll be very motivated and sadness will be replaced with a sense of excitement like we experienced before we traveled to Chile.
  5. It Takes Time: Use the time after your trip to reflect and think about your travels and your life back at home. Ask yourself: why were you so happy abroad? Are there things that you can incorporate into your life here back at home in order to feel that same sense of joy? Also think about what your life has now that you were unable to obtain while abroad…don’t take your life for granted and have a greater appreciation for it. It takes time to adjust back into your normal life, so don’t sweat it!

Well I hope that this is helpful to anyone who is feeling a little sad like I am! Chao!

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