While in Santiago, I was able to visit a couple of skateparks. Buscamente was the preferred one, a large street plaza with boxes, rails, a few ramps, and a great social atmosphere. We were able to interact with many locals there. The park had a tricky flow, but we got used to it.
Another skatepark I visited was in Ohiggins park. It was very very oriented, with bowls and larger ramps. However, the upkeep was poor. Concrete was chipping and many spots and litter made it difficult to ride through many parts. The park had a couple features Buscamente lacked, but collectively Buscamente was the preferred park given its location, simplicity, and atmosphere.
As a non-skater, but a friend to skaters nonetheless, I too had felt the social atmosphere that were these spaces in accompanying you to Buscamente Park several nights in Santiago. At first, I did not know what to expect, an American (and non-skater) walking into a local scene with only my wits and a cursory knowledge of the Spanish language. I was met by an openness and generally laid back attitude, from many different walks of life: true skaters focused on their craft, families with their children and dogs, and long-time locals who felt completely comfortable in their apparent second home away from home. I was equally fascinated by the flurry of activity in the bowl below as by the social interactions at the wings above. I even conversed with a local for some time, and it was an interesting dialogue to say the least. Con mucha ayuda de Carly, I was able to have an interchange with a native Chilean about the many American films he had seen, from Terminator to The Blair Witch Project. He even acted out his favorite moments from the films (Schwarzenegger accent and all)! The best part of the night however, was when he and the entire group we had sang the chorus of Wonderwall together. It was a moment in which I knew we held more in common than I could possibly expect!